Solicitan help for the rehabilitation of El Topo | Scenario

The College of Puerto Rican Actors (CAPR), to convene a fundraising campaign for the physical rehabilitation of Antonio Cabán Vale, “El Topo”, “a neurological episode”.

Informeer die CAPR en su pagina oficial op Facebook, Adeán, hijo del cantautor, creó una cuenta en ATH Móvil de Negocio, bajo el nombre de Ayuda Fuerza Topo Verde Luz, donde pueden enviarse las colaboraciones.

Alta Antonio Cabán Vale

“We who enjoy the songs of our national poet, our compromise will help in these difficult moments to Topo”, added the CAPR in its publication.

According to information Adeán a THE VOCERO, Cabán Vale sufrió una embolia el pasado 20 februari.

“God gave us the money and never lost the gift, he died. It is currently recovering in a rehabilitation center. To all our friends, who are appreciative and respectful of his work with faith, certainty and hope, the communion that God is his work, and that Antonio will recover well and will be able to pay for his own possessions ”, dijo en marzo Adeán sobre the voice of Verde Luz, Antonia, Solina Solina, Los lirios del campo y Canción de los Amantes, by mentioning only some.
