SOCIAL SPEECHES – These are the Clubhouse Terms and Conditions that accept users without delay

Be an active user, cover a maximum of 100 dollars if you die, cede your content, reveal secrets, do not give false information … Its conditions that, even the Mayor does not separate, are accepting users of the latest fashion red fashion , Clubhouse.

Voz’s social network has claimed a huge popularity in the last months, with millions of downloads, recently released in Spain and currently only available for iOS. With its format it was called including the attention of other social media that it imitated with Twitter, with Spaces.

Between 90 and 99 per cent users, according to, do not read the terms of use or privacy policies that usan, and with the legacy of new social media, as in the case of Clubhouse, plantean has controversial issues and confuses between the community.

The fashion app is intended to revise and update its privacy policy and terms of service by the users who formulate and place in which the data and conversations of the users are stored, to which the governing body of the China.

More so from the service of the servers, from the Spanish digital development consultant Syntonize recorded that it is important to know the legal implications that one accepts when you download an app.

“If you put the focus on data protection, you have the right to hold a court in California or Miami because you have accepted litigation here, you can sue a huge guest for a person or company solely in accommodation and transportation “, advised Juan Quintanilla, CEO of Syntonize.

From the consultant repairs some of the legal curiosities that accept the users who converse in Clubhouse, property of Alpha Exploration Co.


The first of these is that the people accept the new terms and conditions of the Clubhouse without being notified. From the 2nd of November onwards when the terms of service are updated, users consume the temporary grab of their audios as a minimum during the duration of the conversation.

This update is only available on the web and users will be able to continue using the service, even if they are not aware of the changes. The same applies to a possible set of tariffs, which the app can communicate on the web or to the user’s e-mail with 15 days of notice. In the case of following using the app, the new tariff will be agreed upon.


Klubhuis gevestig op ciertas condiciones para permitir su uso. The first is that it can only be used by mayors of 18 years, by the end of the edad required by other platforms (in Spain it is 14 years on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, for example).

The second is that people need to use the social network of active assets. It reserves the right to suspend or suspend the service without the need to subscribe or cancel the accounts of those users who are inactive for an extended period of time, without specifying an amount.

Clubhouse tampoco allows people to use the platform to provide false information or create contests. Users can use the app to send viruses, spam, cadence messages, pyramid schemes, polls, contests or lotteries, among other things.

Tampoco can be used as a language that is stupid, abusive, abusive, accusing, delictive, excessively violent, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, pornographic, calamitous, invasive of the privacy of another person or that evokes racial or ethnic sound. Y, to avoid bullying and ‘fake news’, no false information can be provided. These conditions are common in the current social speeches.


Klubhuis also has other conditions related to the secrets. The platform requires the written consent of all members of the conversation to be able to share it and no information can be shared from Clubhouse when the reader explicitly states that the conversation is ‘off the record’.

In the Community Guide, the signal application that can not transcribe, grab, reproduce or share the information obtained in Clubhouse without the corresponding permission.

Sondeverbod, klubhuis sí puede usar libremente tus contenidos. To load any content contained in Clubhouse the user otorga to the company and the affiliate companies a world license, free of charge, oordraagbaar, sublisensieerbaar, perpetua e onherroeplik to make any use of the content subject to the red if necessary the promotion, publicity or marketing of the service in any form, medium or current technology that is missing in the future.

By doing so, the company protects users from the protection of intellectual property.


In addition to the most curious separations of the Clubhouse policies, the user is excluded from the company and its affiliates of the dates, guests, actions of any type and lesions, including death, derivatives of the use of the service or the violation of the Terms of service.

The platform advises that, in the case of compensation, it does not pay more than what the user has subscribed to for the last six months of service or, at most, $ 100.

Clubhouse users authorize the company to analyze its activity, which is also common in social media. The company reserves the right to retrieve information about how the service is used by a user, the types of conversations in which it participates, the content that is shared, the functions that are used, the actions that are performed, the people or accounts with those that interact and the time, frequency and duration of its use.

Finally, another important aspect is that Clubhouse, located in the United States, has any litigation associated with the terms of service and the terms and conditions of the Arbitration Association of the Arbitration Association and the Tribunals of San Francisco (United States of America) legal.

The property company acede to agree a court of arbitration that vengeance both parties and that, in the case of minor complaints to 10,000 dollars, the vista sea telephony or presidency, prefer the user.

However, the complaint and its possible repair (including monetary compensation, by judicial and declaratory mandate) can only be done individually.

As with the rest of the most used applications, disconnect the ‘small letter’ of the terms used without permission, but in general the rules in all its similarities. For those of Syntonize it is recommended to make a user-friendly application and remember that the information that is shared on their own is at the property of the manufacturer.
