Sobreviven the Criollos and finalize in the second position

Luego de que pitcheo abridor falara al principio del party, la offensiva de los Criollos de Caguas dio un paso al frente y produje nuve carreras en cinco entradas para en en victoria des 9-8 sobre los Federales de Chiriquí de Panamá en la ultima jornada de la phase gereelde de la Serie del Caribe Mazatlán 2021.

With the victory, in the first match of the first round of the tournament, the Criollos of Puerto Rico will secure the second place in the table of positions, which guarantees the team that will finish in the third position. Las Águilas Cibaeñas of the Dominican Republic won the first position with 4-0.

Puerto Rico’s rival is determined by the parties that follow in the jornada between Colombia and the Dominican Republic and Venezuela and Mexico, and there is the possibility that Hubbie has a triple empathy in the battle for the third and fourth spaces.

According to the format of the tournament, in a semi-final will be played in the first round and quarter and in the second and third round. Their semifinals will be played on Wednesday, and the Iranians will advance to the final on Saturday.

Boronic jason Jason García tossed a salute to obliterate all five hits and bases on balls in the high end of the first game that allowed the Federals to score potentially and with a 5-0 lead until they got their first chance al bate. Garcia completed complete entry threes.

Veteran lawmaker Ivan Maldonado entered García’s rescue to get a fine ending to the first episode and started launching three additional episodes, as long as the drilled assets start to sound from the first episode.

Jarren Durán discovers a quadrangular in the bay of the first to reach Puerto Rico in the marker and activate the boric offensive. Luego de ese batazo, que puso el markador 5-1, los Criollos marcaron en each entrada hasta la quinta.

In the second, Jeremy Rivera beats for the frame and draws one to make the score 5-2 and in the third the level players will score with four consecutive hits by Henry Ramos, Yadier Molina, Vimael Machín and Emmanuel Rivera, a base for balls to Reymond Fuentes and a victim elevation of Jonathan Morales.

The illegitimate sale of the apartment with a ticket to Durán, which advances to the second with a controlled checkout. Ramos recibió boleto en ambos adelantaron con otro ‘wilde toonhoogte’, preparing the scene for Machín pegara un victimado elevation que remolcó a Durán y puso el juego 6-5.

Without embarrassment, Chiriquí responded in the wake of the hit with a hit by David Rodríguez and a ‘passed ball’ by Juan Centeno that colocaron beat in the middle. A hit and a shot followed the sequel, and Rodríguez scored with a shot by the team to level the score 6-6.

The boricuas respond to intermediaries and ray the three squares that the animal of the definitive delantera. Morales abrió con sencillo al izquierdo y fue remolcado por sencillo de Centeno para la ventaja de 7-6. Duran ligo sencillo al central que dejó dos criollos en circulation antes de que Henry Ramos los remolcara a ambos con sencillo al central.

The Federals rayed two weeks in the octave and the aggregate drama at the meeting, held 9-8. But with the basics lined up and out, the relevant Fernando Cruz retires in the last few minutes to find the encounter.
