So far, China only increased its aggression in the Biden era

Team Biden has spoken harshly about China, but so far Beijing is more shameless than ever on all fronts, beating down Hong Kong and Taiwan, pretending to suspect the United States of giving birth to the deadly coronavirus.

“Last night, I was on the phone with Xi Jinping for two hours straight,” President Biden revealed on Thursday, calling his conversation with China’s president “a good one.” ‘(Still waiting for a first call to US ally Israel.)

The White House said Biden had received a series of complaints from Xi: “his fundamental concern about Beijing’s coercive and unfair economic practices, the repression in Hong Kong, atrocities in Xinjiang and increasingly assertive action in the region, including against Taiwan.” They also “shared views on combating the COVID-19 pandemic and the shared challenges of global health protection, climate change and the prevention of arms proliferation.”

Hours before the call, Biden announced a Pentagon task force to recommend answers to the “growing challenges” of China’s military.

Foreign Minister Antony Blinken and National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan reportedly told lawmakers that China “is the biggest long-term threat to national security for the United States.” Do you think?

Beijing will do or say anything in its pursuit of power and influence. When a team from the World Health Organization announced last week what they had learned about COVID-19 in Wuhan (very little, since Beijing destroyed the evidence long ago), the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Wang Wenbin, seized the opportunity to Washington again accused him of unleashing the deadly people. virus, calling on America to be ‘open and transparent’ and ‘invite WHO experts to the US to track research and origination inspections.’

This follows the demand of his colleague Hua Chunying last month that Uncle Sam ‘should open the biological laboratory in Fort Detrick, give more transparency to issues such as his inviting 200 plus overseas bio-laboratories’ and ‘WHO experts’ in the country .

The communist regime last week showed its own contempt for openness and withdrew bail for pro-democracy Hong Kong newspaper publisher Jimmy Lai, who faces false charges of ‘foreign conspiracy’ under the new national security law, which could carry life sentences . Meanwhile, the Hong Kong leader of Beijing, Carrie Lam, confirmed that the continent is now rejecting double sovereignty, so that the numerous residents with British overseas passports cannot get British consular assistance.

Beijing’s still bullied Taiwan. Shortly after Biden’s inauguration, it took a weekend to send dozens of fighters and bombers to Taiwanese airspace and perpetuated the offenses almost daily. A Reuters analysis of satellite imagery also exposed China’s’ relentless campaign of sand dredging, which is regularly controlled in the waters controlled by Taiwan ‘, in an effort to divert the island’s defenses’ attention and livelihoods. Of inhabitants of a series of islands controlled by Taipei.

The communists also did not stop torturing civilians. Biden’s foreign ministry said “atrocities” such as the systematic rape of Uyghur women held in Beijing’s concentration camps “should have a shock to conscience and serious consequences.”

Biden’s team is having the right conversation. We look forward to seeing that it has ‘serious consequences’ for all of Xi’s horrors.
