SNY apologizes for his Mets’ Steve Cohen GameStop tweet

The Mets’ TV home site apologized on Sunday after it “shed light” on the harassment, Mets owner Steve Cohen said his family was facing shares due to the war.

SNY tweeted a photo that Cohen deactivated to deactivate his Twitter account, which the 64-year-old hedge fund magnate said he did after receiving “personal threats”.

A snapshot of the SNY tweet about Steve Cohen
A snapshot of the SNY tweet about Steve Cohen

“We apologize for the error of judgment,” said SNY, who is still in the Wilpon family as it was not part of Cohen’s $ 2.4 billion purchase in September.

Last week, small investors mobilized online to inflict huge losses on hedge funds that sell short sales

Cohen’s Point72 Asset Management became entangled in the turmoil in the market when it invested $ 750 million in Melvin Capital, which was hit hard by the short pressure.

The online investors later claimed, without proof, that Cohen and other investment groups had forced the investment platform Robinhood to impose restrictions on GameStop transactions to help offset losses.

“I really enjoyed going back and forth with Mets fans on Twitter, which unfortunately was overtaken this week by misinformation related to the Mets, which led to our family getting personal threats,” Cohen said in a statement said after deactivating his account Friday night.

‘I’ll take a breather for now. We have other ways to listen to your suggestions and stay committed to them. I love our team, this community and our fans, who are the best in baseball. The bottom line is that this week’s events in no way affect our resources and the impetus for putting a championship team on the field. ”
