SNL’s cold open tackles #FreeBritney, the Ted Cruz Cancun saga and Andrew Cuomo’s scandals

This week, Saturday Night LiveThe cold open targeted Senator Ted Cruz, Texas, for his trip to Cancun, Mexico, while millions of Cruz voters were without power or water in icy conditions after a winter storm hit Texas.

A Shameful Cruz, played by Aidy Bryant, joined Chloe Fineman’s Britney Spears in a talk show Oops, you did it again to apologize for the trip, which became a full-fledged scandal after the senator was decreased Wednesday at the airport.

“I’m not brown,” said Bryant, a cornbreaker, with drinks as he sat on stage with a suitcase on tow. “I just cried myself red over my fellow Texans. And that’s why I drink in honor of them. ”

The show also deceived Cruz’s attempt to explain the trip Thursday by announcing a statement in which he accused his daughters, who he said “asked to take a trip with friends.” (Texts that the New York Times received from Cruz’s wife, Heidi, doubt the story.)

Let me ask you that, ”Bryant says in the sketch. ‘Would a coward the cojones to blame his actions on his young daughters? ”

It’s understandable that Fineman’s Spears does not accept the explanation well: ‘As someone who at a young age is often blamed for other people’s problems, maybe let your daughters out, because it can really mess with their heads,’ says Fineman.

Spears was in the spotlight this month following the release of the Framing Britney Spears documentary, which explores Spears ‘personal struggle, the #FreeBritney movement and Spears’ conservatory.

This fight is referred to at various points throughout the series: the fictional chat show is sponsored by the Notes app, a reference to the apology posted by Justin Timberlake, a former Spears partner, earlier this month, and Fineman is staring at the screen while watching a #FreeBritney hashtag flicker on the screen for a single frame.

“Are you looking for 20 years to leave a lame excuse?” Ask Fineman in the ad. “Go through the movements with the Notes app.”

With Bryant, the next guest is during an apology tour of the talk show Pete Davidson’s scandal-ridden government of New York, Andrew Cuomo.

Cuomo recently came under fire for miscalculating Covid-19 deaths in nursing homes and, among other things, threatening to ‘destroy’ a New York City member, and Fineman apologizes before a reluctant Davidson mumbles an apology.

After another question from Fineman, Davidson’s Cuomo quickly began an attack on New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, who called for an investigation into the Justice Department over Cuomo’s pandemic response.

“What did that little bird say about me?” Woed Davidson. ‘I will bury him in the highest grave that this city has ever seen. I’ll hire an oboe for Rick Moran, he’s going to think he’s back in universal pre-K. ‘(Moranis was punched last year by someone walking on the sidewalk in New York.)

Bryant also tries to sympathize with Davidson, only to be shot down.

“Do not commit to me,” Davidson tells Bryant. “We are not the same. I’m a man, you’re a clown. And if you mess with me, I’ll send you to a nar hospital. And if you die, I will not count your body. ”

“Neither should you, thank you,” Bryant responded.

The last guest of the program is an outraged Cecily Strong as former The Mandalorian actor Gina Carano, who asks Fineman to ‘explain what I did wrong.’

Carano was fired from the show earlier this month for transphobic and anti-Semitic social media messages, including one comparing the experience of ‘conservative at the moment to the Jewish person during the Holocaust,’ according to Vox’s Emily VanDerWerff.

“Look, I would never have hit that Nazi comparison if I knew everyone would be such a Nazi about it,” Strong says.

After a final attempt by Bryant’s Cruz to find someone to sympathize with – Strong shoots her down like a heap of soup … if you compare yourself to me, I’ll explode you into the farthest deserts of Tatooine ‘- Fineman do a prayer. closes the show.

“I pray that everyone will be healthy and well,” she says, “and to be with people who make you feel loved. … And live from New York, it’s Saturday night! ”
