SNL embarrasses Matt Gaetz after Venmo revelations

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) was for the second week driving the target no. 1 op Saturday Night Live ‘s “Weekend Update.” And this time, anchor Colin Jost did not even bother to admit how much he looks like the scandal-ridden congressman.

“Well, our favorite Florida congressman, Matt Gaetz, is back in the news, but this time it’s good!” Just start. “I’m kidding, these are still the sex things.”

From there, Jost went straight to the explosive Daily Beast report, revealing that Gaetz had sent $ 900 to an accused sex trader, who then paid exactly the amount to three different young women, claiming that it was for ‘teaching’ and ‘ school ‘was.

“Which, if true, would make him the only congressman who actually helps with student loans,” Jost joked. Gaetz at least takes the allegations seriously. That’s why he spoke at the Women for America First Summit yesterday, which is a good change to see women pay an hour with Matt Gaetz. “
