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In another episode of the talk show ‘Oops, you did it again’, Britney Spears, played by Chloe Fineman, presents the pariahs of the week to decide who ‘is not so innocent’.
At the beginning of the segment, she says, “Speak of pariahs, shout for our sponsor Georgia. Choose the best place not to vote,” because the state’s name appears at the bottom of the screen adorned with peaches.

Fineman’s Spears then invites other newsmakers of the week on her couch.

First, rapper Lil Nas X, played by Chris Redd, joins the show for making waves with religious people and sneakerheads in a week for making a music video where he is seen Satan giving a lap dance and 666 pairs of Nike shoes with limited edition a drop of human blood in it.
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Fineman’s Spears asks, “What would you say to the religious people who were mad because you gave Satan a lap dance?” to which he responds, ‘I would say,’ you know it was not the true Satan, right? It was a dude in a Halloween devil costume because the real Satan does not make music videos. . ‘”

Lil Nas X of Redd points out that he did not give the true Satan a lap dance, but only an actor. Fineman’s Spears then asks if he will give God a lap dance to even the playing field, and he does.

After the lap dance ends, Pepé Le Pew, played by Kate McKinnon, arrives in a giant skunk suit and smokes a cigarette from an opera cigarette holder.

Fineman’s Spears talks about how Le Pew was persecuted for his forthcoming sexual behavior from the upcoming “Space Jam”.

The skunk apologizes and says he has a lot to learn.

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“I did the work. Read books like ‘Women are from Mars, Skunks are from France.’ ‘”

Fineman’s Spears then invites her next guest, Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz, to join the crew.

Gaetz, played by Pete Davidson, answers her questions drawn by “Family Guy” character Quagmire’s distinctive “giggity” line.

She questions him about the story she considers ‘so incredibly Florida’.

Davidson’s Gaetz then says that people are targeting him because he defended President Trump.

“I’m just like Pepe here. I’m just a ladies man,” he says. McKinnon’s Pepe replies, “No. I’m a cartoon, you’re an American congressman. Be better, okay?”

Fineman’s Spears finally delivers her verdict by calling Lil Nas X ‘innocent’, Le Pew is ‘not so innocent’, saying she can not judge Gaetz but thinks others should ‘judge him by his face’ .
