Slides to convert to padres, accusan Juan De Dios Pantoja de golpear a Kimberly Loaiza

Juan de Dios Pantoja announcement that his baby with Kimberly Loaiza nacerá the next 20 February, pero in the middle of the allegory for the hope of his second hijo, comenzaron to surgir some rumors in donde acusan al joven de golpear to his wife, lying that in a recent broadcast on social media, Loaiza appeared with a moretón on the road.

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All started when Juan de Dios published some stories and pronto, Kimberly appears with a superstitious moron on the ojo, for which some users in social media insure that the chanting haberdas is golfing to the girl of the moment in Mexico.

Ni tardo ni perezoso, Juan de Dios Pantoja reacting to the signs and as such contests to all in social speeches; “Kimberly enferma * seguro Jd le dio veneno. Kimberly feels bad * sure Jd the hizo feels bad. It seems that Kim has a death * as Jd le pegó. Kimberly has a lot of excitement and is having great things to do * Jd has nothing to do with, she just loves her. Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like Al that sounds crap to me, Looks like Al that sounds crap to me.

A controversial party of the controversy

It seems that Kimberly Loaiza y Juan de Dios Pantoja viven de polèmica en polémica ya menudo se enfrascan en peleas con otros influencers. Apenas and December of 2020 it is rumored that habían will filter intimate images of Kimberly on the Internet.

Según trascendió, the more influential of the marido de la exitosa, Juan de Dios Pantoja will be completely surprised by the filter, “because in reality I believe that there are photos and videos intimate of Kimberly Loaiza and he decided to make public the existence of photos”, as the YouTube channel ‘Es Neta’ informs.

Agreed with Pantoja, the culprits of the robo of the intimate images of Kim Loaiza serian his companions of Badabun, then assured in social speeches that “the BADADOGS were stored in my cell” and sent a message to Rodríguez; “Responsible will be Lizbeth Rodríguez and the badArdidos if anything else”.

Twitter @ juandedios-P

About the subject, related to youtuber Lizbeth Rodríguez, who is rumored to have a rich dicho material in Kimberly, but the chic ex Badabun has denied that she linked this material y, that if she finds, we will publish the images of Loaiza.

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