Skate Sequel is being developed by New EA Studio, Full Circle

EA has announced the latest studio in its stable, Full Circle, and the Vancouver-based but also globally focused studio, the team behind the recently announced new Skate game, although it is unclear whether the latest entry in the Skate franchise will be. be Skate 4, or reload the franchise, or something else, EA has confirmed that the Full Circle team will be led by Daniel McCulloch, the former head of Box Live at Microsoft. Returning skate producers Deran Chung and Cuz Parry remain on board after appearing in the announcement video of the Skate sequel on EA Play 2020.Full Circle's Studio Logo

Full Circle’s Studio Logo

‘The fans wanted Skate to come into being again and we want them to feel involved in the process from development to launching the game and beyond. We want them to feel that they are part of Full Circle, ”McCulloch said in a statement accompanying the announcement. ‘We’re about having fun and making great games that people want to play with their friends. And we’re looking for more developers to help us build compelling worlds for players to discover. ‘-diverse team “with members involved in development” around the world. “Full Circle joins EA Sports and Respawn Entertainment as the third EA Studio in the Canadian city.

Unfortunately, so far there is no new word on the development of the next Skate, or any additional details on the vision for the upcoming game, but late last year we learned that the new Skate may have a focus on content released by users are generated. At the time, Andrew Wilson of EA discussed how the new Skate was in ‘very early development’, but that trends in the skateboarding world could fit into the scope of the new game.

“You’re taking a game like Skate, and while skateboarding in itself is a huge appeal to a large, global audience, there’s another secular trend in our industry around user – generated content, the open world. and interaction, “Wilson said. last June. “For a lot of people, you think of skating as a starting point that’s appealing, but you’re starting to build user – generated content, exploration, and community, and it expands the opportunity exponentially.”

Jonathon Dornbush is IGN’s Senior News Editor, host of Podcast Beyond !, and PlayStation editor. Talk to him on Twitter @jmdornbush.
