Six recommendations for making free air travel

The covid-19 pandemic has caused a 360-degree turn in our life, and we are trying to reinvent the form in which we relate, salute to the call or work. Also the moment of make deport has been affected by the virusHowever, high schools and sanitation training centers do not mean that we need to start being physically active.

Durant la cuarentena pudimos hacer eiercicio with programs online from the salon of our house, and now that -pace the restrictions- can be salir to the call, we do not apologize for the ponernos in form. For that matter, the traumos are highly advised to take ownership of free air.

Sports rope, mascara and we will go!

1. Lleva lo minimo onuitsienbaar

Only then the really necessary, in addition to the convenience, because there will be less than the objects that disinfect the house. How many things live, the probability of getting infected with the virus.

Recommendations within a distance of 10 metro and bicycles

Each year has had an adequate sports team and, in these prime times, the sun has gained more notoriety, there have been many tights and pantyhose pants for retengan el sudor y faciliten la ventilation.

2. Plan your routine

Puedes buskar un buen profesional del eiercicio que te ayude a define the routines that you need to log the metas that you have. The best is all about one specialized training and deport your salud. It is important that you adapt and build a relationship of trust to be able to create as an amateur athlete.

Additionally, planning is one of the first things that teens have to do with your trainer (if you are teens) and, if not, teens who establish what routines follow, you will combine strength training and aerobic resistance training, etc. Además, es bueno alarar también los tiempos, horarios, cada cuanto repetir cada eiercicio … Porque así podrás sacar el maximo provecho dada actividad y no te arriesgas a hacerte daño o sufrir algún esguince, par ejemplo.

On the other hand, if you are active while organizing the quarantine, organize a table of properties in the case including composite material such as steroids or weights to continue with our habitual routines during the confinement, when you go to the bus stop to do some new activity. Find a path or a bicycle, which you will buy and which you will enjoy.

3. Calentamiento and distance of safety

Photo: iStock.

To avoid retaliation or failure, it is fundamental that it takes a few minutes to begin with the exercise of strong muscle gains, with the addition of protecting tyrants, will be a little more flexible.

If you want to correct and do not look for a corridor, you intend to leave at least five meters of distance. Recommendations within a distance of 10 metro and bicycles. And if you have a corridor in front and you do not want to go forward, collocate diagonally on your back.

In addition to staring at the emcee, it is good to end the possessions of a progressive form and not brusque for the corpse to suffocate those violations of a violent form. No days to correct in step or step of the intensity of the sport to be completely quiet.

The General Council of the Physics and Sports Education, in addition, enumerates the risk factors that can be derived in lesions:

  • Have been in a period of inactivity
  • Burden lesions previas
  • La ganancia de peso during the confinement
  • La mass loss muscle in these weeks
  • Loose properties made at home with a deficient technique

4. Hydrate!

Photo: iStock.

Antes de salir de casa bebe bastante agua y también al volver. And if in the ownership that hayas planned this day can be mochila (excursion, escalation, cycling, etc.), No olvides de meter a water bottle or a cantimplora. Eso sí, lleva tu propia agua, does not use public sources for baby.

The Coronation Spanish Foundation points out that “water is your main ally in preventing dehydration and increasing body temperature (which consequently is a limiting factor in human yield).” In addition, insisting on the importance of not hoping to be seduced and agreeing to be careful “one or two hours before practicing physical activity”, and adding that it is recommended “Take breaks every 15-20 minutes during the activity for the baby a few teas of water and fresh water (15 and 21 ° C) ”.

5. Protect the front of the coronavirus

Poder salir a la calle no es synonym de que la pandemia haya terminado, asi que cuidate para esa form cuidar también a los demás. When renting a house, love well manos y duchate, y mientras estes en la calle no te quites la mascarilla ni incumplas ninguna norma sanitaria, aunque sea incomodo hacerlo durante el eiercicio. Practicing sports is also safe!

In this sense, the General Council of the Physics and Sports Education insists that the use of mascara is another factor to consider “is the use of any type of protective mask affecting the air flow ”. In addition, it is advisable to avoid using the urban furniture and intend not to make claims that are necessary to be placed on the floor.

6. The sun

Although it is very temperate, we are in the shade or not at all good times, it is very important to use solar protectors, because the sun penetrates the skin Independently of the force with which we sin its rays.

According to the EEUU National Library, “sobree exposure to ultraviolet rays can cause UV quemaduras solares ”. He insists that “UV rays penetrate the outer capes of the skin and apply to the deepest capes, in which case they can feed the cells of the skin”.

For another load, the temperatures below will be lowered, if the sun is hot, we will protect the cabeza with sombreros, gorros or pañuelos, ya que is one of the zones of our body most sensitive to astro rey.
