Sites promote the tourism of vacancies against the COVID-19 in EE. UU. | International | Notice

Some states have vacated all 16-year-old mayors.

Vacuum tourism can happen to be a habitual place of travel portals to become a tourist vacancy in EE. UU.

One of these sites is Travel off the road, which publishes a notice regarding the states that a person not resident can access the vacancy.

Debate on the acceleration that is currently taking place in the North American country, some states and the vacancy option do not live in this state or inclusive in EE. UU. Without embarrassment, there are other states where you can ask for proof of residence to the women of the vacancy.

Entre los del primer caso están Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, en los no haoi constraints of the house and they are abrió la vacunación a todos los mayores de 16 años. Although it is necessary to revise it if there is no requirement in the evacuation points.

Since initiating the evacuation program, foreigners, mainly from Mexico and Canada, he began to evacuate to EE. UU., Debido that in its countries reviewed is in the stage of inoculation to the major adults.

Mientras, in EE. UU. the vacancies are located in pharmacies, health centers, supermarkets.

Without embarrassment, it should be noted that if the authorities identify that some travel money for vacant tourism, even if it is not allowed in the tourist visa, it is possible that it is not allowed to enter the country or any other sanction. (I)
