Sisolak Government Issues New Directions Related to Live Entertainment, Distance Requirements

The CARSON CITY (KTNV) – In response to a request from Governor Steve Sisolak to reduce a re-evaluation of the existing 25-foot distance requirements between artists and audience members and other live entertainment and musical performances, the state epidemiologist and public advisers health submitted. new recommendations.

The recommendations contain a minimum separation of at least 6 feet only for all live entertainment and performances as artists and artists wear a mask or face mask at all times, or a minimum separation of at least 12 feet for all live entertainment and performances when artists and performers are unmasked or temporarily and occasionally remove their masks or face masks during performances. In addition to existing mitigation measures for live entertainment and performances, public health advisers also make a serious appeal to artists to participate in regular COVID-19 testing.


These recommendations have been accepted and updated in Emergency Directive 040, signed today by Governor Sisolak. The changes take effect immediately, and the updates are also reflected in Nevada Health Response guidance issued.

The minimum distance requirements apply to all live entertainment and performances at all sizes of public gatherings and events.
