Sismo de 7.1 en la Antártida seguido por otro en Santiago pone en alerta a los chilenos

These simultaneous magnitudes of distinct magnitudes marked the Sabbath in the Shetland Islands of the Antarctic and in central Chile, making changes to the capital of the country since the time of recent reports of material failures.

Primero: a magnitude 7.1 seismic on the Richter scale was recorded in Antarctica At 8:36 a.m., local time, 216 miles[216 km]from O’Higgins Scientific Base. The seismic issue with a live move that will soon be converted into a forward letter of credit, informed the Associated Press.

10 minutes into the game, Santiago de Chile had a fantastic opportunity to return to the field. The epicenter was 35 kilometers from the city, which explains why they were killed, as reported by the residents.

A magnitude 5.8 seismic — according to preliminary information from the USGC — is located in the center of Chile with a epicenter 35 kilometers from the Nuñoa Barrier, in Santiago and a depth of 110 kilometers.Capture Google Maps.

“Currently, no data is reported on persons, alterations to basic services or infrastructure of this system. For its part, the technical bodies are meeting to evaluate the regional situation “, informed the National Emergency Office of the Ministry of the Interior of Chile (OMENI) about the 5.8.

[En imágenes: así se vio el eclipse solar total desde Chile y Argentina]

ONEMI pidio abandons the costs of antarctic territory due to a tsunami risk in that area with a text message that by mistake sent to the cells in the peninsula of the country, según dijeron las autoridades.

The alert provoked a great deal of confusion as people in the north of the country began to evacuate the coastal sector of La Serena, showing images displayed by local media.

The organism is repelled by the means of communication that an error and pity was taken in not evacuating the peninsular territory and making it solely and exclusively in Antarctica.

The National Alarm System of Maremots (Snam) of the Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Armada issues a bulletin reporting the characteristics of the system no reunion “the necessary conditions for generating a tsunami at the expense of Chile ”.

In the Antarctic Chilean territory, the Hydrographic Service of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Chile (SHOA) issued an alert at 20:56 local time using the emergency system and soliciting abandonment of the zone. More than 160 people Fueron evacuated the four Chilean bases in Antarctica, informed the ONEMI.

[Violentos enfrentamientos entre la policía y manifestantes en Chile]

Otros paises tomaron la misma medida de seguridad. ‘See report that 5 basic extras in the Antarctic Territory Procedure to evacuate only its vigilant procedures ”, it is indicated.

A man revises his cellular lie to receive a message from the National Office of Emergencies, ONEMI, urging the population to abandon the cohesive zones of a sis in the Chilean Antarctic Territory in Vienna, Mar, Chile, the 23rd of January 2021REUTERS

Re information from Reuters in Associated Press.
