Singing hymn to Raúl de Molina of “meterle mano” in the famous jacuzzi of ‘El Gordo y la Flaca’

The singer Virggi López accuses Raúl de Molina of “meterle la mano” in his track on three occasions in the famous jacuzzi of ‘El Gordo y la Flaca’.

And exclusive para ‘Chisme No Like’, the Youtube show of Elisa Beristain and Javier Ceriani, the Venezuelan song of the supuesto I currently have a time when I visited the Univision show in 2005.

Virggi, to promote his disco, as if it were a classic in our years with toda invited female bodybuyer considered ‘bonito’, the guest meters to the ‘jacuzzi del Gordo’, en donde Raúl de Molina made a pique interview.

Without embarrassment, following the song and the empress, of pícara paso a incomoda cuando, supuestamente, sintió la mano del presenter tocándola de manera appropriated.

“Me quito la bata, quedo en bikini, entro al jacuzzi y I’m ignorant, because you can not imagine a person creating a life-threatening situation, and result that the man (Raúl de Molina) tries to put the man by the water of the water, to increase the pumps“, Dijo Virggi López ante el asombro de Ceriani y Beristain.

So much so that Javier, as Javier, has been leading the way in his life at this very moment.

“You are emphatic, you can not say anything, you can not live it, you have to listen … Second to debate OMG !, entonces ya descentró, there are no points to sell what you wanted to sell, third, three times, live!“, Relató la cantante.

According to Ceriani’s comment to Virggi López, it’s not the series the only thing that happened to one such episode, and that soon other talented series will be interviewed by the show, to denounce the supuestos tocamientos impropios de los que habrían sido viktimas a manos de Raúl de Molina.

We will communicate with Univision to have a response from the chain, claiming that this was the subject of the show ‘El Gordo y la Flaca’, the classic of the late ones, and that was the reply we sent via e-mail.

“Univision is taking this type of allegation seriously and we will revise it carefully”, fue su card y contundente respuesta.

What is Univision’s inside? The only thing we can say is that it is extraordinary, is looking for and analyzing images to find out what type of medium tomarían, and does not communicate with De Molina’s victim.

We record that in the 2019, el mismo show, ‘Chisme No Like’, quienes se han convertido en los abanderados del ‘me too’ latino, presentaron una grabación en donde Enrique Albis, producer of ‘El Gordo y la Flaca’, acosaba y le pedía favor seksuales a model who wanted to do a casting for the show.

At this moment, Univision also has drastic means of intermediaries, separating the Albis of the show while investigating, at the same time as sending this communication:

“Univision has a compromise with a diverse, inclusive and secure working culture, free of charge. We hope that all employees treat and treat the audience, community, guests and associates with dignity and respect, and do not tolerate any type of transition. The acoso — of any type y and any entorno — is totally unacceptable. We open our accounts of these accusations, we initiate an internal investigation. If an inappropriate product is confirmed, we will take disciplinary action, which can include despair ”, dijo in su moment Univision y así lo hizo, Albis quedó fuera de la cadena.

We will investigate further to inform, here we will share the interview that Elisa Beristain and Javier Ceriani hicieron on the latest accusation by Raúl de Molina:
