Silvio Rodríguez compares criteria that signify “Patria y Vida” as a mediocre and opportunistic song

2 | 20/02/2021 – 17:24 (GMT-4)

The Cuban singer Silvio Rodríguez shared a comment that confirms that the controversy song “Patria y Vida”, Gente de Zona, Descemer Bueno, Yotuel, El Funky y Maykel Osorbo, es “middelmatige” y oportunista “.

On my blog Second Quote, Silvio shared the opinion of Carlos Bernal Medina’s Facebook profile, saying that “Patria y Vida is a mediocre and opportunistic ally of the victim and the bondage of the Cuban people, their history, their rights”.

También says the comment that the song is “a cobra replica that speculates with the need that we all have Cubans to build this country for all and for all. What distinguishes Martí: Cuba and the Night. Can not live in peace es mancillada “, sostuvo el trovador, de 74 jaar.

Capture from the blog Segunda Cita

Silvio adds a compartment in Second Quote a comment from the blog of Harold Cárdenas, editor of La Joven Cuba, says that the video of Patria y Vida “tendría otro sabor si no viniere de mano del cububamericano and now begin his journey “.

“All these artists are in positions of privilege and all know that the song is safe, have a mark for the anti-communist art. Make it clear more than what is mentioned, which is their alternative to the reality that is critical. This is an excuse. “The optimism of artists (now becoming activists) does not seem to aspire to pay off the democratic deeds of the nation without a further adjustment of national history”, added Cárdenas.

Finally, the commentary quoted by Silvio states that “the promotion of democracy does not guarantee the political rights of all in a national reconciliation process, without the need for digital platforms and influencers to make concessions or identify them with a move. “Politics that do not respect democracy or secure it in the United States. Followed by GDZ, Orishas and Descemer, in the songs that I did not take a bite from the market”.

Capture from the blog Segunda Cita

Last year, Silvio Rodríguez became embroiled in a controversy tras el uso de su canción Ojalá by the Orishas group, to which Yotuel belongs.

The Cuban singer claims that he did not authorize the use of his concocted theme: “What do I think is this flagrant vulnerability of my rights as the author of Ojalá, cosa notoria desde hace 50 jaar? I see a lamentable act of parasitism “, dijo.

Through the controversy, “Ojalá pase” was withdrawn from all platforms.

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