Silhouette by Georgina Rodríguez ¡Result with transparency!

The team of internationally renowned football player Cristiano Ronaldo also known as CR7, the guapa model Georgina Rodríguez appeared in an image of his Instagram account lucidizing in total transparency, leaving more than enamored and fascinated to his admirers.

Contact the 23 million followers on their official Instagram account Georgina Rodríguez also known as Georgina Gio has surprised his fans with an image in which his silhouette protagonizes one of the most valuable images of the model.

Pesar de que no muster gran parte de su figura, lo hizo más bien de maner sutil utilizande transparencias que en manyas taciones tienden a gustar más que showria propia piel, pues termina dando un toque de elegance y glamor a quien la está portando.

In this case the beautiful model and also Spanish company decided to admire his ballet records, while Georgina Rodríguez is found in the fact that it appears to be an ancient studio with one of the tools (a bar) that suelen use the girls to train.

Since I started to perform ballet, without embarrassment I was crying because of the fact that I do not tend the typical body of ballet girls, but as I record my figure is quite voluptuous and well formed, so I decide to withdraw without embarrassment an opportunity we have shown ourselves to learn while studying.

In its photo appears in front of a bar, lucidizing a black body in short transparency, in the delantera part appears to be the one that makes it look much more elegant, in addition to being accompanied by a delicate zapatillas.


Body force, spirit force, spirit force “, the model writes.

The photo to take was taken in Milan, Italy, one of the most beautiful places to take a delicious vacation, Georgina Rogríguez’s image shows the shared time, September 10, 2019, in her official Instagram account, thanks to her followers it has more than a million and a half of red crows.

If you want to be one of the most popular footballers on social media, the Spanish model has his fanatical proposals, thanks to his personality and humble character, even though his team has won the admiration of its admirers, who are well in comparison with his subject his very little, in reality his mighty, for he is also considered an influencer in social speeches.

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Georgina Gio and Cristiano Ronaldo are dating in Spain, when they were working for a Gucci club when the football astro entered and quedo impacted with their belleza, salary during a short time, so much so that at the same time a barracks and a fast one the model is converted into a mother only by her baby as well as the adorable threesomes that the football player has.

Thanks for the popularity of his post Georgina Rodríguez logró convert to any celebrity, launch their brand line with their own brand, in addition to being converted to the image of important brands, the promotional goals in their official Instagram account.

Since some years ago, some footballers’ shows have also been turned into celebrities, this is commenced with Victoria Beckham’s British footballer’s David Beckham who has all but one United Kingdom personality, from whom he has served as mayor in those days stars of football, from entonces a great variety of new influencers he parade through social networks and surely in a future we will meet with other.

Lee also: Enjoy Georgina Rodríguez vacationing in Dubai!
