Siguen los hallazgos que revelan los malos manejos en la muerte de Diego Maradona

The astro argentino passed away on november 25th and each has new audios and testimonials that impact the family. Justice is investigating.

Follow the hallucinations of the death of Diego Armando Maradona. Hallazgos who dejan mal parados a variety of people and siguen causing the malestar of his relatives through the declarations of testigos.

Griselda Morel, a psychopedagogue, confirmed that in the Argentine astro daban, alcohol pills were taken to sleep. Milagros Rodríguez (the cook) tells us that, for example, one of the custodians, he did not eat, he ate the lozenges and put them in the wax for no iodine at night. Like Diego no dormía, hacía eso con las pastillas a demand de Diego. All were Diego’s demands. If Diego is present on the 9th of the month and will be served on the day, ”he said.

And he agreed that “Diego would not want to receive anything. Apenas lo pude ver y no se le veía la cara de tan hinchado que staba ”. And he confessed that the masseuse said in an opportunity that “no road and can make a cardiopulmonary edema and cures murmur”.

The testimonies were given to “Charly”, a very close person at the Maradona entrance. “A Domingo the custodian was stabbed and Charly took wine with Diego during the month of death. Verónica hopes that Diego is at home and just lies in anesthesia that he has a magical magic. Veronica spoke to Charly and said he liked the wine, but did not drink it. This is the day that he was a copa and she was the one who was not his friend, his employee. Diego’s house is always a mosque, an asco, all disordered, the heladera revuelta. A former Diego tenia as a woman in the omoplate has the intercostal. Charly decides that it would be normal for Diego to be a cayera, that he was acostumbrado. “Verónica’s mandate to put a stop to support because it is not supported on the floor”, warned Morel.

The investigations against the doctor

A couple of weeks ago it was announced that the doctor Leopoldo Luque, who was being investigated for a possible homicide by Diego Armando Maradona, falsified the Argentine astro company to solicit his clinical history.

Now the media Infobae dio conocer unos audios entre Luque y la que fuera psikiatra de Maradona, Agustina Cosachov, el día del falecimiento del hombre que conquistó el Mundial de México 1986 con la selección de Argentina.

‘Tranca vos, yo estoy por la autopista ya. Because it’s dead. Post that he was killed. Barrio San Andrés, tenés que pasar vise el que vamos siempre, Santa María de Tigre. Tenes que seguir por esa, seguir, seguir por esa calle hasta llegar a Italia. This is about Italy. Now you have the job ”, says Luque, who breathes a sigh of relief:“ If it hurts, you see a cardio respirator and you are going to kill the belt. I have no idea what. Yo estoy yendo para allá ”.

Lea también: Los pecados de D10S

For his part, Cosachov replied: “Let’s go to the pie and stay free, free. With all the market circulation. We will do the resuscitation and recover a small amount and, we will, recover a small amount of the corporal temperature. Everything is less than 10 minutes away from the RCP handleiding, we are between the nurse, “El Negro”, yo y “Monona” (the cook) and then leave the ambulance. Now they are proceeding. In our opinion, this is the situation. Yo salí y no me dicen nada ”.

Also, according to TN reference, a conversation is filtered through Luque’s chat, in which the medical record refers to one of Maradona’s hens: “Jana is a murderer. Así nomás te lo digo. Quiere internarlo ”. And the manifesto: “Diego los va a mandar a cagar a todos”.

(Literature by Diego Maradona)

For his part, Dalma Maradona, in addition to the ’10 ‘hijas, expressed respect on his Twitter account:

Matías Morla: In the “commercial parasite” that expresses the last days of Diego?

Matías Morla tuvo que ver el begrafnis door televisie. This is one of the people who shared the most with Maradona in the last eight years. The abogado does not have access to the forfeit debt to his only relationship with the huts of the mythical 10. A man who has been guilty of the crime of expressing has been the last litter of Diego’s life.

“We will see you soon, friend. Hasta always Commander. Te voy a extrañar ”, was the message that Morla’s colleague posted on his Twitter account on the day of Diego’s death. The responses were made immediately: the critic of the abogado has expressed the ultimate experience of the Argentine astro life through its commercial fines. And the most recent classification: “parasite”.

“The death of Maradona will leave him in the lodge to kill him … he will not be able to survive the tranquilo for 20 minutes … he will pay for all those responsible for this disgrace,” said one of the respondents.

‘You are going to have to build a mansion in the desert hut of puta. You will not be able to enjoy the guita que te llevaste. The express is the last moment. Are you happy? ”, Agrega otro.

“The last post on Diego’s Instagram was a cigarette brand, forro. You are responsible ”, added another person. Seun tons of messages per style.

And the criticisms of Maradona’s presence in the duel between Gymnasium and Patronato were reviewed, as Diego was not living in a good state of health. Dicen has a commercial contract contracted by Morla detrás.

Dalma Maradona always repeats: “Morla fue lo peor que le pas a mi papa”. An abogado-client relationship that lasts for years and ends in a strong relationship, then Diego treats him like his own family.

A refirrafe hace one year ago traversed his Twitter accounts between Dalma and Morla is the retreat of the fractures that two Maradona has with a sector of his family in the last years.

“We have a lot going on when we meet our father. Because the sums in dollars amount to a lot of time, because an act and work, and another life, no podrían tener la cantidad de plata que tienen ”, colla Morla hablando de Dalma y Gianinna, las dos hijas del 10.

Y Dalma answers: “Vergüenza que sigan dando camera a ese abogado payaso con dientes postizos de plastik que le quedaron grandes. I hermana y yo pagamos las Consequences de no haber querido arreglar con vos como lo hicieron tantos otros. Here we are! Congratulations! Te fuiste a Miami a llevar a tu hija al recital de Ariana Grande y lo paga mi papá porque le decís que vas a tener reunions ”.

And the lawyer’s response was the next, posting a photo with varying degrees of Dalma dollars. “No te confundas, el pasaje de mi hija lo pago yo, con la plata de mi trabajo. You should explain to Justice, where you are making dollars ”.

Various people have said that the last years of Maradona, in that they were not in good health conditions, there is no more commercial exhibition than anyone who trained Dorados of Sinaloa in Mexico and Gymnasium in his country. Morla, a man who, together with Rocío Oliva, the last parish of Maradona, has no access to velor. This is the atmosphere with which Diego is in the tumble.

“What do you miss the most about Matías Morla in the cause?”, Dijo Dalma Maradona in the last hours.

The Argentine tax authorities are continuing to investigate the death of Diego Armando Maradona, who was arrested on November 25, and new information is being released in this case. Va para largo.
