Sigue construction of the wall on the front of the EUE points to the order of Biden

Texas, United States.

Pesar de la orden ejecutiva firmada este miercoles por el presidente de United States, Joe Biden, which orders the suspension of the construction of wall frontier with Mexico, the continuous hardening work of these juveniles, denunciaron medium defenders.

“La sigue construction, todavía no ha parado, esta manana hemos vistthe trucks transporting material, stand trayendo team team in this region “, says Efe Tricia Cortez, Executive Director of the Center for International Studies Great Río in Texas.

Cortez, who is also the co-founder of the Coalition “Not Another Foot” – No More (of Wall) (CBP) siga la order the Biden y mande detener de inmediato la construction of the wall.

Agree on groups defining the media, hours after that Biden juramentara como President of the United States, teams of construction dynamite another segment of assembly inside the Cañón de Guadalupe, in the frontier of Arizona with Mexico.

Siete días para cumplir orden

Hours after taking up cargo position, the democrat firm a executive order because what the construction of the front wall wall the president Donald Trump.

The document indicates that the construction must be completed “tan pronto como se posible”, although there is a maximum of this day from the company of the executive order to complete with the established.

The proclamation calls for an immediate break in the projects of wall construction to allow a revision on the legality of the methods used for financing and contracting used for build the wall and evaluate the “administrative and contractual consequences” of bretel las obras.

“We need to be very careful about what we do with this space, we hope that CBP will do it.President Biden’s Orders and even before the construction “, says the ecologist.

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His coalition is preparing a series of events this weekend front door for the new administration to complete its promise to lthe construction of the wall, the confiscation of properties and above all cancel the contracts with the constructors.

The construction ofThe Frontier Wall with Mexico is converted into a symbol of the Administration of the President Trump and during his presidency he built 450 miles (720 kilometers) of barrera fronteriza, lots of springs to replace existing ones.

“El wall frontier never was there a solution to the national security problem or the immigration, always has a symbol for white supremacist groups. Our work will be completed “, finalized by her. EFE
