“Sigan hablando”: Pepillo Origel defends an ATTACKS by receiving a gun against Covid-19 | VIDEO

Una vez ms, el periodista de spectacles, Juan Jos Origel, better known as “Pepillo“, is a theme for the discussion of the public video and su channel of YouTube, such as the vacuum versus the new coronavirus Covid-19.

As you can see, every week the “Ventaneando” and “La Oreja” extractors capture the farndula from the mouth while confirming that it travels to the United States to receive the first dose of treatment against the deadly virus.

Through the publication, “Pepillo” was presented in blank blank sheets, then the questioner who had traveled did not receive the vacancy; incluso, trascendi que poda perder su VISA y ya no le sera aplicada la segunda dosis.

During an interview with the Hoy program, the television director said that he had been notified that he would lose his VISA; adems, habl about cmo fue the process that you have to realize for the application of the vacuna.

The video …

This March 16th, the conductor is submitting a video on which he has been talking about since the news outlets received that no one is importing: “Que sigan ladrando”, express.

The television presenter confesses that he has not arrived to travel to the United States to receive the vaccine and many are less likely to be followed by those who consider that the most important thing is health.

Juan Jos Origel recounts that the important thing is to have a good family and the love of two or three people; though the interest is tener miles of followers, then with the little ones who are happy.

