Siemens Gamesa Gets Ownership With 11 Million Benefits | Companies

Siemens Gamesa (SG) arrests owner of 11 and 10 million networks (red numbers of 174 million in the same period of 2020, when closed with a total loss of 918 million).

The net profit of explosion (Ebit) also has a positive register. From 14 million fronts to a loss of 229 million in the previous stage.

In its first quarter, from October to December, the net debt reached 476 million. It has a financing of 4,400 million, of which only 1,300 million have been disposed of. The renewable corporation has a credit card of 30,100 million, which has lost 7% in this year’s inversion for energy transition throughout the world.

Andreas Nauen, SG’s delegate, insisted on his strategy of “prioritizing profitability on volume”. A plant that has been planted in a factory in Spain. In an interview with analysts, the directive added that “we have not agreed to” with the “simplification” of the terrestrial oil division.

Beatriz Puente, CFO of the corporation, commented that the restructuring costs will increase in the next quarter, and that the allowances will be accounted for by the 266 deputies on the closure of the As Somozas (Lugo) and Cuenca plants. The financing of the adjustments will follow in 2022 and 2023, according to Puente.

SG also bought the Persian in a factory in India. On the other hand, build a plant of gondolas and palaces in the French port of Le Havre to respond to the peddles of eolica marina that are in the gallo market. Nauen is pleased with the productivity of the Vagos Center (Portugal), which has built more than one hundred palaces in eight months. The potential of Vagos has led to the liquidation of the facilities of As Somozas.

The eólica marina will be key to display the sales figures, on the scale of these projects. It has 9.3 GW on a lease and participates in sub-lots with 25 GW by tender. The group hopes to introduce new benefits in the next quarter, through an atony period. Hecho, October to December no air carrier load entered from shore.


In eólica terrestrial invoice the minor contribution of the Chinese market and the debility of India. The pandemic has slowed down the pace of work in this division, all over the marching band and installations in the United States. Desde SG confides in a majority of the situation in the quarterly proxies “it means that the evacuation campaigns are extended”. The impact of Covid-19 in its October-December activity is less significant than that of 2020.

Siemens Energy’s 67% branch has advanced this week for some quarters of the first quarter. Between them, the operating result is net before restructuring costs (Ebit for PPA), with a benefit of 121 million, up to a loss of 136 million in the same period of previous acquisition.

A figure that leaves a margin on sales of 5.3%. This apartment does not bear the cost of adjustments, as the indemnities of the 266 deprived by the recent announcement of the closure of the factories of Cuenca and As Somozas (Lugo). Antes, SG is located in Spain in the centers of Aoiz (Navarre) and Miranda de Ebro (Burgos).

Ingresos en el aranque del años accountant de SG crecen a dos digitos, hasta un 15% más, y alcanzan los 2,300 millones. This increase in sales is explained by the marine oil projects initiated years ago and now billed. The devaluation of some divisions is played against the volume of business of a group that conducts operations in all cases on the continents.

The children who enter the 2,300 million in the quarter. A reduction in the average stake in this case the cycles of the maritime oil business, at large, will not be included in the first quarter accounts of the first quarter.

If we are negotiating the contracts for terrestrial turbines and the maintenance services division, then there is more than one margin in this sector.

Siemens Games has confirmed that the previous owner is the owner. Its sales are between 10,200 and 11,200 million. The Ebit margin for PPA is situated in a band between 3% and 5%.
