Siberia’s latest exploding crater has been mapped in 3D

The C17 exhaust crater in the Russian North Pole.

The C17 exhaust crater in the Russian North Pole.
Image: Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology

For the first time ever, geologists are using an aircraft drone to map the interior of a giant exhaust crater, the type of which is appearing more and more frequently in Siberia.. The resulting 3D model, together with other data collected during the survey, reinforces the prevailing theory that connects these bizarre holes in the tundra to increasing heat.

‘Over the years we have gained a lot of experience with surveillance drones, but this underground aerial survey of the C17 crater was the most difficult task I have ever encountered, because I had to lie down and hang on the edge of a ten-storey deep floor. over my arms to control the drone, ”said Igor Bogoyavlensky, a geologist from the Oil and Gas Research Institute at the Russian Academy of Sciences, in a statement.

Bogoyavlensky said he was close to the drone three times, but he “manages to get the data for the 3D model”, the details of which are now published in the journal Geosciences.

A photo of the C17 crater on the day it was discovered, July 16, 2020.

A photo of the C17 crater on the day it was discovered, July 16, 2020.
Image: Andrey Umnikov

Andrey Umnikov, co-author of studies and director of the Russian Center for Arctic Development, was the first to spot C17 which he did in July 2020 by helicopter. The depth of 98 feetmeters deep) hole is located in the Yamal Peninsula in northwestern Siberia, and it is close to three other craters, including the Yamal Crater, whose sudden appearance warned the world to this strange phenomenon back in 2014. The one that the researchers study opened last summer amid record heat.

The current theory behind these craters, of which 20 are known, is that it is the result of the melting of permafrost. Like the ARectic heat, gas, mostly methane, builds up in cavities located in the top layer of permafrost. Eventually, the ground is no longer able to contain this pressure, giving it a powerful belly in the form of a gas explosion, pouring out material (ejection) and forming a crater, according to this view. Exhaust holes do not last long because they quickly fill up with water and turn into lakes.

Photographs of the crater interior were taken from the surface.

Photographs of the crater interior were taken from the surface.
Image: V. Bogoyavlensky et al., 2021 / Geosciences

Therefore, it is urgently necessary to organize an expedition to study C17 in detail and do so as soon as possible after its discovery. The team, which included experts from the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, closed the hole on Aug. 26, 2020 – about 40 days after it was first seen.

Upon their arrival, the team noticed that the hole had become slightly larger due to the further melting and collapsing rock. Measurements showed that the depth of the hole was not uniform, and was between the depth of 95 to 108 feet (29 to 33 meters).

A view of the crater from above, as captured by the aerial drone.

A view of the crater from above, as captured by the aerial drone.
Image: V. Bogoyavlensky et al., 2021 / Geosciences

‘The new crater is impressive in its ideal state of preservation, mainly the conical top from which the ejecta was cast, the outer parts of the hill that precipitates the crater, the walls of the crater itself which are incredibly well preserved, and of course the gas cavity in the icy bottom of the crater, ” Evgeny Chuvilin, a co-author of the study and a scientist at the Skoltech Hydrocarbon Recovery Center, said.

Pieces of ejected material were spotted up to 220 meters from the crater, emphasizing the strength of the explosion.

What is important is that the team arrived on time to find the hole in an “almost pristine condition” and with “no water filling it”, said the co-author of the study, Vasily Bogoyavlensky. At the same time, the icy dome remained largely intact. Before the explosion, the cavity contained a circular dome with an elliptical bottom, Bogoyavlensky explained, to which he added: ‘From what we know we can say that the C17 crater was connected to … deep fault [tectonics] and an abnormal terrestrial heat flow. ‘

Caves as the bottom of the crater, as depicted by the drone.

Caves as the bottom of the crater, as depicted by the drone.
Image: V. Bogoyavlensky et al., 2021 / Geosciences

Igor Bogoyavlensky was driving the aircraft drone, which was the first time a drone had been used to investigate an exhaust crater. It was also the first opportunity for scientists to study a relatively new crater that did not collapse or fill with water. (Sscientists have climbed inside these things before, but only after mostly fill with water.) The drone, which was as deep as 50 meters (15 meters), collected valuable data, which enabled the team to build a 3D model of the crater interior. The researchers also documented features that are not visible from the surface, such as caves and a suspected cave at the bottom.

According to the 3D model, the crater has a diameter of about 82 meters (25 meters), while the gas cavity at the bottom is between 13 and 15 meters wide. The huge piece of dirty ground ice in the crater is 23 meters thick in places (23 meters). The total volume of the subsurface is estimated at 353,000 cubic feet (9,910 feet) cubic meters), including approximately 265,000 cubic feet (7,500 cubic meters) of ice.

Constructed 3D model showing the crater and underground cavity, the latter of which extends in two different directions.

Constructed 3D model showing the crater and underground cavity, the latter of which extends in two different directions.
Image: V. Bogoyavlensky et al., 2021 / Geosciences

The team also looked at data for remote sensing collected by helicopter and satellites, the latter of which showed that the C17 hole formed between May 15 and sometime. June 9 of last year. Research published earlier this month use satellites to even discover more holes in the tundra too.

Together, these observations reinforce the theory on how these holes are created: The constant accumulation of gas in an underground cavity leads to tremendous pressure which according to the study leads to the formation of a ‘perennial slope’, or PHM. When the growth of a PHM reaches a critical threshold, a volcanic eruption occurs which forms a large crater.

“The specific shape of the subterranean cavity in the massive ice, the structure of which is depicted by a digital 3D model, is of great importance for the factual confirmation of the model of cavity formation,” the authors wrote in the newspaper. “This proves the model of its formation in the massive ground ice, the gas dynamic mechanism of the PHM formation and powerful gas blowout with the destruction of the arc part of the underground cavity and the PHM itself.

Looking ahead, the scientists hope to find out more about the gas and where it came from, how it accumulates in the cavities and how it could lead to such a powerful explosion. The team expects to revisit the C17 blowhole later this year to continue the investigation into this curious natural phenomenon with a human impression.
