Shotgun: Israelis offer drinks at home with their vaccination

TEL AVIV (Reuters) – An Israeli bar on Thursday doubled as a vaccination clinic COVID-19, giving free drinks to those who got the shots.

More than 43% of Israel’s 9 million residents have received at least one dose of Pfizer Inc.’s vaccine, the Ministry of Health says. But officials are concerned that the rise could slow and deter Israeli plans to reopen the economy.

With many pubs closing due to the pandemic, Jenia gastropub in Tel Aviv, in partnership with the municipality, has opened its doors to an unusual kind of patron: new vaccines, drawn by the supply of drinks on the house.

The drinks were non-alcoholic, as a medical precaution.

“I thought it was a very good opportunity to pick up the vaccine because I did not have the time or the ability to go to other places,” May Perez said. .

Writing by Dan Williams; Edited by Nick Macfie
