Shorts, TikTok’s Competence Created by YouTube, Reads EE.UU.

(CNN Business) – Shorts, the TikTok competition created by YouTube, launched in the United States.

The Jew, the company said to expand to the United States the beta program of its function to create short format videos, called Shorts, from now on and near seminars. Previously only tried the product in India. At the global level, there are now users who can see Shorts, but they are not cool.

YouTube states that its function allows content creators in social media to “grab short and degrading videos using only their cell phones”. Performs a manner of unifying various clips, adding music and using a timer and a regressive account to film videos without the need to use them. All these features are currently available on TikTok.

How to download YouTube Shorts from the restaurant?

The Jueves, YouTube presents some new herramines that hope the ayids will be removed from the rest. Users will be able to watch audio samples of other Shorts videos and “mezclarlas en su propia creation”. The creators also can add text to specific points of the video.

YouTube Shorts is a hotspot for a wide range of short-term video application applications that can accommodate this type of content on social media and capitalize on TikTok’s tumultuous year. Instagram launched Reels in the United States and other countries, and Snapchat’s Spotlight feature donates a million dollars to users who have more entertaining videos. Two of TikTok’s rivals in the United States are merging with the principles of this year, while Reddit acquires fines from last year’s Dubsmash.


YouTube Shorts has many of the same features as other short video applications like TikTok.

YouTube also plans to approve its ecosystem more broadly launching the possibility of using the audio of the videos that are on the platform. “It means you can create your own creative content that you want to see on YouTube and help you find a new audience, reacting to your favorite chests, trying the ultimate recipe of a comedian or creating funny sketches,” says the company in a blog post.

YouTube added that the creators can choose, if so prefer, that other people do not use their large format videos. (In TikTok, a popular practice is to make a “duet” of another person’s video. The videos appear on the other person’s screen, and the users can repeat or comment on the original video).

Facilitate the truck to the influencers of the future

Todd Sherman, the product of the YouTube shorts, which is the company that contains the «bajar las barreras para la creación». The goal is to help the closest generation of aspiring women to be influencers ‘n meet an audience. Producing a traditional YouTube video can be very time consuming and costly. Professional youtubers on the menu have cameras, editing software and other tools to make sure that their videos are removed.

“YouTube shows that you need to make a generation of the people used to practice cameras and organizers and programs of the video, which is practical for setting up an audience,” Sherman and CNN Business said. “This story is very similar to the story of what we call one more time with Shorts, except that now everything is based on the phone and can be done with a phone,” he said.

The platform, owned by Google, announced the first announcement of this product in September. YouTube has released a first beta version of Shorts exclusively in India. For months, India has banned TikTok and other popular Chinese applications, arguing that it supports an “arrangement for sovereignty and integrity”. As a result, TikTok’s Indian users are launching a search for an alternative and both technological giants and advancers will take advantage of this opportunity.
