Sheyla Rojas and the Concession of Xoana Gonzales were filmed through the videos: ‘Créate cuenta en Onlyfans’ | VIDEO | BOCONVIP

The Argentine model shows solidarity with Sheyla Rojas tras the broadcast of private videos. Además recommends that incursionara af Onlyfans to be able to win money with dichos clips. “Lamenting much that is happening, I’ve been suing him for years, but when he’s grabbing his things he can read. I highly recommend that you grab it or create an account in ‘Onlyfans’ so that you can dine with your intimate videos, as you can see that all the slides are a new one, ”said Xoana González at the time.

Regarding his appearance in this speech, Xoana González explained that it would be frustrating to have content with an economic motivation. “The world that excels, I love (create content). I did not like it on an economic topic, because I had to read my prejudices to a lady and me who I liked. My family and my wife support me and I am happy, ”he said.

Choca Mandros is pronounced over by Sheyla Rojas in
Choca Mandros pronounces over Sheyla Rojas’ statement in “Estás en todas”

