Sherlyn llama “PERRA” a Andrea Legarreta y amenaza con quitarle el trabajo en Hoy

Law of the controversy by the supuesta relacin pasajera que sostuvo Sherlyn actor Jos Ron and with a man unknown at Cancn to avenge his exnovio Jose Luis integral of the duo Ro Roma, Jorge Clarividente show some audios on thunderstorm the actress llama dog a Andrea Legarreta.

Although recently the actor Jos Ron verlustig ante los medios de comunicacin que no saba de qu le hablaban al cuestionarlo sobre la supuesta relacin, Jorge Clarividente, show a conversation on Thursday Sherlyn reveals that you have an adventure with l.

Amenaza to Andrea Legarreta

En esa misma conversacin Sherlyn reenvi un fragmenta del program Hoy and donde Andrea Legarreta comment about it, because it’s molesting the actress to make sure that the conductor of the maty Hoy agrees muy perra.

Not in accordance with the name of this form, the actress of telenovelas amenaz a Andrea Legarreta with dejarla sin trabajo while trying to understand that the sacchar of the program in what has been during many of them as titular.

Cabe sealar que la voz que se schuscha en los audios es idntica a la de la actress because it would be difficult for her to decide that she is not the one she is, for another part of the columnist Alex Kaffie, she says that she should not be allowed to be without work a Legarreta if Galilea Montijo.

Mira his statements from the minute 1:37

