Sherlyn llama “perra” a Andrea Legarreta y amenaza con “quitarle” el trabajo; Alex Kaffie the answer | EL IMPARCIAL

CITY OF MEXICO.- Luego de que un supuesto amigo de Sherlyn filter one of the audios in which the song is called “perra” a Andrea Legarreta y amenaza con quitarle el trabajo en “Hoy”, Alex Kaffie the answer and the dice that ni sueñe porque no puede.

Last March 6, in the program No Like, was interviewed on Jorge Clarividente, a man who was a lover of the Sherlyn actress and showed off some audios and text messages in what he said were sexual relations with José Ron and other men for revenge.

Sherlyn Supuestamente quería vengarse de José Luis, of Río Romo, who was in the couple, but to be notified in the communication media, in the program “Hoy” commented on the note and between her wife Andrea Legarreta, because he liked very much Sherlyn.

“What he wants to teach is what Andrea Legarreta will do. What things! Te juro que no tengo ni idea qué le hice. Pin … vieja loca! Pues sí, quién sabe qué le picó. Poor! What do I have to do with the… al rato le voy a quitar el trabajo y, ¿qua va a hacer? ”, sherry expressed Sherlyn in the audios.

Jorge Clarividente assures that the actress is able to mandarin to make brewery to sing anything to whoever he is, yes, he does, so he maneja, he has to profess Christianity.

“No sees ilusa, Sherlyn”: Alex Kaffie

Listen to the audios compiled by the periodical Enrique De la Rosa for the program led by Javier Ceriani and Elisa Beristain, the spectacular commentator, Alex Kaffie, made sure Sherlyn did not have the power on TV to correct Legarreta, per Galilea Montijo sí.

Listen to Sherlyn’s WhatsApp audios on what she called Andrea Legarreta “perra” and “pinche vieja loca”. Also in our notes of voice say “that [ Andrea Legarreta ] no ade de mamona, pues al rato voy a quitarle el trabajo “. ¡No sees ilusa, Sherlyn! in order for Televisa to resume your contract of exclusivity, much less the power to give up the work has become more powerful than you enter the company! ”, written Kaffie.

The specialist at El Heraldo said that the only thing he could do was to suck Andrea Legarreta into the program while he was working for more than 20 years in Galilee Montijo, but never found out, and he presumably had a “hermandad” pact.

“The only woman who has the power to” tumble “Grupo Televisa to Andrea Legarreta is Galilee Montijo. Without embarrassment she did not leave ‘Hoy’ at his homologue, then both had a “matriarchal pact” and did not go to bed. “Yo no te tumbo y tú no me tumbas” accord haon mucho “, detail.

The collaborator of “Sale el Sol” indicates that both parties are in agreement because it is clear that the United States can do what it wants and what it does.

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