“She was dead and could not breathe”: Yadhira Carrillo reveals the condition that Leticia Calderón went to hospital | El Salvador News

Yadhira solves all the details about what Lety, the owner of his room, did to move COVID-19.

Asombro y desconcierto es lo que ha causaus la actress Yadhira Carrillo al revelar que esta al tanto de toorm los pormenores de la salud de la también actriz y expareja de su esposo, Leticia Calderón.

He always speculates in the media about the small relationship that exists between both actresses. If it does not appear that this is a fake, then it would be very nice to have God with the recovery of Lety.

IMPOSSIBLE: Juan José Origel transferred to EE.UU. to evacuate against the COVID-19 and the following followers who are critical of critical forces

“Yes, bendito sea Dios, bendito sea Dios, eso es lo que sé… me da mucho gusto … Nos enteramos porque salió un mensgaje ¿verdad?, Entonces agradecemos mucho, imaginen esos chiquitos sin su mami … es una bendición that is good, thanks to God … ”, expressed Carrillo.

But I have no doubt that most of the time I entered the room I knew all the details of the situation that Calderon encountered.

“I’m the only one who says that she’s called Juan ‘chiquito’, ” Juan ‘he’s,’ ” ” ” ” ” ” ” He ” ” ‘ sé … entonces Juan rípidamente se movilizó y encontro cama, encontro hospital, salió a buscar, y sé que así fue como medmediate la la recibieron, la hospitalizaron y dijo el doctor que si hubiera llegado un poquitito más tarde no lo lograba … murderous murder … yes … murderous murder, it was alleged that his wife was involved in plastic surgery and surgery. Ahi vamos poco a poquito van pasando las cosas buenas … ”, detalló Carrillo.

TIENES QUE VER: Captan a Carlos Calderón, de Despierta América, muy cariñoso con su nueva novia venezolana

Yadhira branded his declarations through the Reclusorio Norte, giving Juan Collado his speech. About the situation that affrontan as it turns out:

“I have no desire to come to my place, my tranquility is here. I want to be married, I stand with you and I love her too. “We have so many things that make the coronation easier, the levers (…) entice me too much, then I have too much to do but I want to say that I’ve been hated or that my heart dictates to me,” Yadhira assured.
