She is only 23 years old and has 11 children, with her husband having ‘the biggest family in the world’ | Sociedad | La Revista

Both have managed to raise more than 9 million dollars for logging.

They are Christina Ozturk, a Russian blogger for 23 years, and his wife, Galip Ozturk, a Turkish empress for 56 years. The couple shares their adventures and adventures in their social networks, in which there are miles of followers from all over the world.

Viven and Georgia and the real boy have the one-time hijos, pero sigue sin ser suficiente para la pareja.

Ambos surprendieron to the media of all the planet to make public one of its mayors desese: have the largest family in the world.

Después de matrimonio ellos dicen tener claro su objective u la vida.

‘For the moment, tengo eens hijos, with the ultimate incorporation, Olivia, who read the finals of my session ”, Christina talks about the process of having sex, and added that“ the clinic chooses the mothers’ substitutes and finds everything ”in the middle Newflash.

Kyk na die Instagram as su Instagram que la cifra de 100 hijos fue un comentario en una interview, dice geen tener una cifra exacta.

Madre dio a luz a la primera niña de los once hijos que tienen y el resto llegó a su vida a través de la subrogation.

Esta familia vive in Tbilisi, Georgia, it is uno de los países that the boy legally los vientres de alquiler. The caseworkers admitted that each of their houses cost them approximately $ 9,500.

‘In this moment tengo times hijos. Yo misma di a luz a mi hija burgemeester, Vika, hace seis años. The rest of the nines are genetically ours, of my species and species, but fueron gestados en vientres de alquiler”, Relate the mother with congratulations to international media.

Christina cuenta que no sabe con accuracy precision quantos hijos tendrán, pero no ‘planean parar’. In addition to the economic question, there are no sufficient tendencies for it to reach its meta, by the way influencer anhela hacerlo antes de los 30. (I)
