Shaula Vega confesses that her mother Isela Vega gave up three years ago

Shaula Vega, hija de la actress Isela Vega y hermana de Arturo Vazquez, broke the silence about the relationship he had with his mother and confession had the abandonment of his progenitor, when she had ten years of marriage, as well as bullying on the part of her companions, who were humiliated by the work she did madre.

Read more about ours edition 1259 of TV Notes les dierramos a conocer que Shaula Vega, the receipt of his van to the 81-year-old actress, motivated by the cause of the complication and his chemotherapy and later lost his life; Shaula sack to the light more details of the relationship you have with your mother.

In an interview with matutino ‘Venga la Alegría’, Shaula confession that when ten years old, his mother gave up and the day encroached on his father, the actor Jorge Luke, a situation that in principle can be difficult; without embarrassment, she makes sure that the hizo never fails to get to Isela in her life.

Shaula Vega confesses that she gave up giving up

Shaula confesses that when he was ten years old, his mother gave up and the day was filled with his father, the actor Jorge Luke, a situation that in principle can be difficult; without embarrassment, she makes sure that the hizo never fails to stay the figurine matter en su vida.

“My mother was gone when she has less than three years, she does not agree with me, she only knows the extra because she never felt that she was tenacious, she is at a time of her career, she wants to focus on her career and she does not want to be in another hijo y mi papá estaba happy dad, entonces hicieron un acuerdo y me quedé con mi papa ”, dijo.

Followed by this, the actress of 46 years mentioned that during infancy, in the decade of the settlers, sufrió boelies deur part of his companions that buscaban hacerla feel mal by el work who holds his mother, in which cases.

“The children of the school train me in the periodicals in which my mother sleeps with me and I say ‘Mira, do you see your mother?’. I am a person time, as challenged, to the best, socially ”, comment.

Asi habló Shaula Vega:

Además, Shaula revealed that in principle a small amount of food was harvested by his mother, by the time he died, but with the passing of time the flue remained important and the super, you can start to understand the reasons why you are mad at your mother, Isela Vega.

“My cheeky song ‘Híjole, que poca, me dejó’ … But there are no teens who want to give to you happy, is in your right, is a human right can decide ‘No puedo con esto y ya me voy ‘”, express.

Shaula also recorded that when she was 18 years old reconcile with his mother and make the spaces, so that the liver has a very good relationship with Isela, until the day of his death in March of this year.

“Di dije ‘Yo a ti te agradezco what you are doing belongs to me, what happened to me passed ya fue, simply it’s just hay, it’s what sucedió ”, finalized.

Isela Vega dejó a su hija para cumplir su sueño de ser actriz
