Sharon, the old Guatemalan who was found dead after disappearing from the patio of his house | El Salvador News

Sharon Figueroa, 8 years old, disappears the late March when he plays with his bicycle on the patio of his house in the bar La Ceibita, in Petén, Guatemala. One day his corpse was found by the authorities.

By Colaboración Juan Víctor Castillo

10 Feb 2021- 15:28

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Sharon Figueroa, 8 years old, disappears from the market on Wednesday when he meets with his bicycle on the patio of his bar in La Ceibita, Department of Petén, Guatemala. Photo / @ juanVictorCas1

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At 8.30 on the night of March, a group conforming to vehicles, family and police will meet the bicycle of the niece in the barricade El Mirador. Photo / @ juanVictorCas1

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The search group will also find some of the missing children. Photo / @ juanVictorCas1

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“I was playing in the patio with his bicycle and when the llama for the death was unresponsive, we do not know who he is,” Sharon’s friend said to the media. Photo / @ juanVictorCas1

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Agents of Guatemala’s National Civil Police continue to search the town’s markets in the mountainous municipalities of the Melchor de Mencos municipality in Petén. Photo / @ juanVictorCas1

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The police agents were assisted by vecinos of the place in the search of the missing minor. Photo / @ juanVictorCas1

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This day, the National Civil Police of Guatemala carried out various attacks on the road where the nine were living. Photo / @ juanVictorCas1

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The authorities are alerted to the sightings of relatives of the disabled. Photo / @ juanVictorCas1

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Zonia Esperanza González Cho, wife of the family of Sharon Figueroa, was detained as a suspect in the disappearance. Photo / @ juanVictorCas1

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In the media of these fairs the corpse of the nina was found in the mountainous sector El Camalote, Melchor de Mencos municipality, Petén department. Photo / @ juanVictorCas1
