Seth Meyers Takes Down Tucker Carlson’s Anti-Vaxxer Bullshit

Fox News can not figure out how it feels about the COVID-19 vaccine.

On the one hand, hosts like Sean Hannity want President Joe Biden to personally thank Donald Trump for helping with its creation. On the other hand, Tucker Carlson is quick to point out a complete anti-waxxer, claiming that they are not as effective as they should be, and can only be part of a larger government conspiracy (allegations that are completely unfounded). ).

“There seems to be some tension at Fox over whether Trump deserves credit for this amazing medical breakthrough that will save the world,” Seth Meyers said Wednesday, “whether the vaccines are actually part of a sinister conspiracy to do. .. something bad, it’s not clear what. ”

From there, the Late night host played a recent clip of “human catamaran” Tucker Carlson and asked how “necessary” it is to even take the vaccine. His pull out SNLlevel impression of the Fox host, Meyers led a long ridge that ends with a theory about vaccinations that takes away his bladder control.

“All these questions have already been answered,” he said. ‘You can save yourself the trouble of writing your monologue every night by using only Google. But maybe he does not know how. That would explain why he always looks like the rat Templeton trying to read Charlotte’s web. ”
