Sermón de las 7 Palabras: Curas deploran el abortion, enriquecimiento ilicito y desigualdades

In the Sermon of the 7 Palabras, the parcroos deploran the abortion, the administrative corruption, the lack of opportunities for the young, the injustices and the social inequality.

The first slogan “Father, forgive me, because I do not know what to do”, was led by Father Pelagio Antonio Tavéras, who knows that the human body is the temple of the Spirit of Santo and is the summit in which he travels through abortion.

Siguen pidiendo pardon por lo que quieren ignoran y quieren quitar a Dios del center de la vida “y vivimos una sociedad quiere desplaats a Dios del center universo y poner sus interests en crreencia por encima de Dios”.

Piden loses when the most attention is paid to the life of an animal that to the human life, because hey women no valoran la vida humana nie y por eso hooi tantas muertes innecesarias como el aborto.

Expressing that the Senator has a tolerance of the mayor does not allow the ignorant ones to know what they are doing, and they are ultimately the ones who have chaos in the transport system, those with whom he has money in the crucifixion money.“We live in a country with a lot of wealth, but the people are empowered”.

“They know what they are doing” says one and another father Pelagio quotes those who enter into natural riches with arranged contracts and the people can not enjoy their riches that they belong to. The ones that destroy natural resources like Loma Miranda.

Malos services

Dijo que ellos saben los que hacen, cuando ofrecen servicios de pésima quality in school hospitals, transport, cuando el pueblo merece dignidad; when bureaucratizing the traumas for the citizens realize any papeleo.
