Serie A: Revelan cifra por al que Atalanta dejaría ir a Duván Zapata y su reemplazo, Piccoli | Colombian and el outside

Duván Zapata’s goals have long been of interest to European clubs. But now, finally, the food industry has decided to go ahead and it is obligatory for Atalanta to plant a future without its own key.

The Daily Mail translates into English version of Chelsea tendría on the carpet in Colombia, pues todavía no convence el rendimiento del joven en costoso Timo Werner. “Pose a crude rhythm and physical force that the defenders of the opposition oppose, and in the last few weeks have signaled the need to try something new,” the media said.

It’s an option. Otros hablan del PSG. And while deportation is undoubtedly one of its attractive options, the young German has been futuristic, for the time being it has long been a source of continuity. And in the French club the presence of Icardi as a reference to the tampon area is especially attractive.

But the scenario for Atalanta is the same: the interested parties have money, any one who can go to the gate and go to the joya del gol and for that there are lists.

The first one is probably the least expensive. And so there are all sorts of disagreements: although 50 million euros have been spent on veranos, today they have been selling for a minimum of 40 million, more than a million more than their value in Transfermarket, in anticipation of the post-pandemic crisis. The vallecaucano is worth over 12 million, which is priced at amortized.

The assent is that enter money, malo is that irian, in promedio, cuarenta goals for time. But in this case, too, Gasperini’s working star, who lives happily with Muriel, knows that he needs more dynamism in attack. For this in the carpet carpet there is a number appointed that also has a virtue and is that free reading: was treated by Roberto Piccoli, for 20 years, owned by the Bergamo club and handed over in September to Spezia.
