¿Sergio Ramos at PSG? In Spain and by hecho el fichaje

Spain /

World Cup Real Madrid. This Monday, Spanish press by hecho que Sergio Ramos will not renovate with the merengue team and will tend to join the incorporation with the Paris Saint Germain.

Primero, la COPE chain, informs that the last reunion between the defender and the dome madridista was not positive ya pesar de that hay volunteered of both parties, the offer by the club no satisface a Ramos.

Sumado a lo anterior y en kontraste, en France there is more to it than nunca y the formal offer was made to Sergio and his entourage. A contract of 3 hours and 15 million euros per cycle.

Onda Cero, Catalan radio station, ensures that much of the negative of Ramos to renovate with the Real Madrid it is due to the wage reduction that is significant, which is 10% less than time, giving cases at the time that is currently permitted for another year.

Plan B del Madrid

In the white entity he knows that it will be complicated that his captain says, because he has 2 options for substitution. A promise in the future but with the inversion of the medium and the other, a type tried and true cost.

Se patan de Pau Torres del Villarreal y David Alaba, which will not follow in the footsteps Bayern munich and holds his step in mano, for which only tendría who adjust his sueldo annually.
