Sergio Pérez makes it clear: Red Bull is very different from other teams

Mexico City /

Sergio Pérez tenia is very clear that she was not red bull no acceptance of other offer to correct the time 2021 of Formula 1, a perception that has strengthened the interior of the Austrian team, in the sea is marvelous with every detail.

It’s impossible to be part of the Red Bull family. When these are the ensuing account of what he has done so well for the infrastructure that has“the development and the people”, Pérez commented in an interview with the team.

The Mexican is impressed with the level of organization he has in red bull, en donde está cubierto cada detalle, algo que lo convertido en one of the most powerful teams in Formula 1 in recent years. “The resources that come here are very impressive”, he said.

The tapestry took place 7 years ago when it was known as Aston martin, in addition to a year in McLaren Mercedes and a few more in Sauber, in donde retrieval experience that now belongs to Red Bull.

It’s like a dog that encounters a new family: has been with a family for many years and is accostumbrado a verge y de repente cambias, pero tengo que decir que estoy empezando a sentirme muy komode aquí. It’s a fantastic team, very united, and we hope that we will have a lot of diversity “, prosiguió.
