Separate the members of the National Guard of Investigation from Joe Biden by his Lazos with ultra-right militias

Tropa de la guardia nacional refuerzan la vigilancia in Washington (AP)
Tropa de la guardia nacional refuerzan la vigilancia in Washington (AP)

Members of the National Guard Ejército de Estados Unidos fueron withdraw from the contingent that is secured by security during Joe Biden’s inauguration ceremony as President, debido a lazos con milicias ultraderechistas, informs official sources.

Hasta now the authorities have not detected any concrete conspiracy against Biden. The information was summarized by an Ejército source and an intelligence officer, who will not be identified as being under the Department of Defense’s standards regarding press releases. The sources do not detail what unity stands for the two individuals, nor what ultra-Orthodox militia belongs to.

Be treated with respect to March by AP, la Guardia Nacional remitió toda interrogante al Servicio Secreto, afirmando: “For reasons of operational security, we will not discuss the content of the outcome of the investigation into members of the armed forces participating in the security of the property.”. The Secret Service is a federal agency under the supervision of the United States Department of National Security that among other functions protects the integrity of the president, vice president, ex-presidents and their close relatives.


The Secret Service has told the AP that there are no comments on any of the National Guard’s members, excluding the security measures taken by the police.

El Washington Post inform this Tuesday that The FBI has announced security forces that ultra-Orthodox extremists are planning to use as members of the National Guard to infiltrate sensitive areas., and others revised the maps of the vulnerable points of the city, signs of possible reasons to interrupt the investment of the markets.

The document, a summary of the allegations that the FBI identified in a lunar intelligence meeting, advises that all “solitary lobbies” like those adhering to the extremist ideology of QAnon, some of the figures united in the Violence of the Capitol 6 de enero, indicating that the plan will be a Washington para la ceremonia de juramento del presidente electo Joe Biden.

The Secretary of Ejército, Ryan McCarthy, says the domingo that The authorities are aware of the possible arrangements and advice to the commanders who are alert to any problems in the interior of their homes and make sure that the change of power is done.. Without embarrassment, the police and other officials assured him that he had not seen any alteration of algae, and the authorities signaled that the investigation had elucidated some irregular situation.

Unos 25,000 members of the National Guard he enlisted Washington haps from various parts of the country, at least in times and media more than in previous ceremonies. And although armed forces are routinely investigating military members who have no extremist angles, the FBI’s revision is one of the most prevalent.

Jacob Fracker and Thomas Robertson, two policemen who serve in the Capitol (Reuters)
Jacob Fracker and Thomas Robertson, two police officers who participate in the Capitol’s rally (Reuters)

From Ashli ​​Babbitt, veteran of Fuerza Aérea, who pleaded guilty to one count of intent to force his entry into the Chamber of Deputies, has retired reservists from the Fuerza Aéra diocese, officials of the Seattle District and New York; he urged to inform that police would be on duty and exiles would participate in the storms.

Hi there at the moment more than 125 arrested in connection with the violent insurrection of January 6 captured by President Donald Trump’s partisans who die with a balance of five dead, between them a police officer.

In a situation like this, the FBI’s investigation involves the revision of numbers on databases and lists of people’s agencies to those who have been alerted to any emergency alarms. This case includes implications for previous investigations into previous terrorism-related issues, said David Gomez, former FBI National Security Supervisor in Seattle.

“We met this event during our years. We ignore, we minimize, we take for granted. This governing body has imitated these people, the special llamas, ”said Daryl Johnson, leader of a domestic anti-terrorism team in the Department of Homeland Security and intelligence analysts between 2004 and 2010.

(With AP information)


The FBI is reviewing trophies that fall short of an internal attack on Joe Biden in Washington
