“Sentid de del deber y servicio”: the duration of the response of the principle of William to the insinuations of his husband Harry about his role in the real family

The principles of William and Harry are a distant relationship between the marriage of his husband and Meghan Markle in California (Shutterstock)
The principles of William and Harry maintain a distant relationship between the marriage of his husband and Meghan Markle in California (Shutterstock)

Through the explosive interview of the dukes of Sussex with the presenter of the stadium Oprah Winfrey, el Principle William answer the affirmations of Harry, who has assured that both his father and her husband “I was stunned” in the institution.

“Yo mismo estaba atrapado. No vi una salida. She was caught trying to tell her she was caught, ”commented Harry at one point during a report he shared with his wife, Meghan Markle. “What do you think?”, Asked the periodical. ‘Trapped inside the system, like the rest of my family. My father and my husband were trapped, but I could not go on and I was composing them.“, Declared the principle before the chambers.

Without embarrassment, a source close to the Cambridge dukes assured that William said: “Geen estoy atrapado nie”. Here is the information Sunday Times in an article published this domingo.

“The principle of William accepted his paper and the truck traversed for him”, declare the source and aggregate: “It is not the queen of Isabel II. It has the meaning of deber and the service ”.

Queen Isabel II of Great Britain posed at Buckingham Palace in an official retreat alongside the hereditary thrones: the principle of Carlos, the principle of William and the principle of George (Reuters)
Queen Isabel II of Great Britain posed at Buckingham Palace in an official retreat alongside the hereditary thrones: the principle of Carlos, the principle of William and the principle of George (Reuters)

William is the second in the line of succession to the throne and if he gets behind his father Carlos, hijo mayor de Isabel II. Abajo de el estan sus tres hijos: George, Charlotte y Louis. In the sexto puesto se encuentra el principe Harry. His brother Archie occupied the seventh place.

One of the topics that most golfers in the British Crown made the affirmations about the supuesto racism in the real family. Millions of televisions, Meghan alleges that he hiju pudo haber sido despojado de su titulo real debido a su raza, but it was necessary to identify the person who expressed “preoccupation” with the color of Archie’s skin before he died.

“We are not a racist family”, William responds when the press takes over to say his opinion about Harry’s interview with Oprah Winfrey (Reuters)

Through the accusations, the real family is positioned respectfully. ‘We are not a racist family“, Dijo William took a couple of days off during an event he was assisting with Kate Middleton, which was also leaked by Meghan when he confirmed that he had the hizo llorar antes de su boda con Harry. In this case, the question is whether she had a conversation with Harry during the interview. “Nee, todavía nee hy hablado con él, pero lo haré”, anticipo.

In this way, the Buckingham Palace in the name of the Queen of England issued a communiqué: “The whole family is intrigued to know the total chance of being challenged in the last years for Harry and Meghan”, Aseguró la Casa Real. “The plant problems, especially el de raza, are preoccupied. If there are any records that can be varied, they are very serious and the family can go private. Harry, Meghan and Archie will always be members of my very dear family ”, added.

The last week was to be known Harry spoke with the principle of William first of all after the Duke’s interview and the Sussex duke with Oprah Winfrey, revealed the friends of Meghan Markle, Gayle King. The presenter of CBS, who is also very close to Oprah, is in the program This Morning of the program that the Duke of Sussex who also communicated with his father, the Prince Carlos.

Sondeverbod, King dijo que las conversations “no productive products ” and what Sussex helps the real family to “intervene and take care of the press that destroys false, unjustified and inaccurate stories that definitely have a racial slur”.

“The llamé to see coma estaban, y es cierto, Harry ha hablado con su hermano y también ha hablado con su padre. Lo dijeron fue que esas conversations in a productive way. But it is clear that in my opinion a conversation was initiated “, King said.


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