Sentencian to Abel Nazario 18 months in prison

El exalcalde de Yauco Abel Nazario fue sentenciado hoy a 18 months in prison you will find guilty of various emission charges False statements issued by the Department of Federal Labor.

The sentencing hearing was conducted today, through video conferencing, before the federal court Joseph Laplante. However, it was also determined that, once a year with the sentence, Nazario would have to complete two additional years under supervision. On March 21, Nazario was found guilty by a jury of 28 charges of emitting false statements and five charges of electronic fraud. Without embargo, in September, it will release the convictions for the five charges of electronic fraud.

Prior to his sentencing, Nazario, also a former member of the New Progressive Party (PNP), assured that he accepted the decision of the jury and the sentence of the judge, but indicated that he had a “guilty conscience”.

“If only I could do what I love most about dedicating myself to public service … Only the fact that I offer the opportunity to be with my father in his last days of life”, Nazario asked Laplante to stay during the virtual life . The father of Nazario is 97 years old.

Without embarrassment, despite its simplicity, Laplante questioned Nazario’s motives in segmenting his statement and assured that the executor’s conduct was a “serious crime”. He also commented that, during the trial, he could observe that Nazario intended to project a “weldoener” with funds that did not belong to him.

“My impact is an image in which you personally are enticing these checks to his employees. It does not make sense to have a production of a municipal governor. It seems that you would like to project as a benefactor or a salvador. Think it is not appropriate. money and its employees. If there is money and public money, “he said through Nazario’s statements.

Nazario’s lawyer, María Domínguez, also intended to summon the judge to issue a probation sentence in order to send him prisoner.

“On the other hand, he has not been robbed of a single cent of public money during his brilliant political career. Never has allegations been made in public acts of corruption. Assuming the veracity of the cases of his case, and taking the conviction of the jury, his conduct does not merit a sentence of imprisonment. In particular, the risks involved in a co-operation in the midst of the COVID-19 ”pandemic, signaled the motion that Nazario’s legal defense filed before the tribunal on 2 February.

“A probationary sentence is sufficient, but the mayor does not need it and allows the accused to increase his potential while continuing to serve his community and spending time with his foster father,” the legal document reads.

After being sent off, Domínguez solicited the case that Nazario was being held in a prison near the island — like in Tallahassee, Miami — and debated that in Puerto Rico there were no federal government carriers. Domínguez también hizo alusión a carten de cartas que sometieron al tribunal en las que solicitan clemencia para Nazario. Among the political figures who are sending cards are the leader of the Popular Democratic Party (PPD), Eduardo Bhatia, the senators of the PNP, Henry Neumann, Carmelo Ríos, Gregorio Matías and the representative of the new progressive José Aponte.

The federal fiscal Scott Anderson, for its part, objects to the plantation of Dominguez and argues that Nazario was responsible for its own actions and that any decision should be taken on these disputes. “Politicians need to be judged by a higher standard. If we allow the government to believe in the message that we are sending, there is nothing wrong with engaging in governance. You can follow your truck and complete a sentence,” Anderson said . “Everything is what the accused is. [Nazario] for his own benefit “, continued.

In 2018, the federal governor accused the Municipal Executory of committing electronic fraud and issuing false statements related to the Department of Federal Labor’s fundraising. The charges against Nazareth were revoked in 2014 in which, following a referendum by the Office of the Controller, the Federal Labor Department ordered the municipality to carry out retroactive payments to approximately 177 pleaders for a total of $ 588 961.43. This is the result of an investigation by the federal agency that found that the municipality of Yauco agreed with these employees to work hours on a voluntary basis.

While this, Laplante dejo the discretion of the parties to make an additional visit to a discussion in turn to the amount of money that will be reimbursed by Nazario.

The Nazari defense objects to the calculated amount by the federal governor of one $ 34,846.39 as part of the loss of employees of the Nazarene cults the return of his regular nominee. Nazario’s lawyer, Javier Micheo, said the figure should be reduced to $ 6,600.06. Micheo explains that the number should be reduced and that there is no sufficient evidence from the municipality to ensure that these hours will be worked. In addition, the figure also shows a debit reduction and many employees who testify against a contract with the municipality of Yauco.

Anderson objected to Micheo’s plant failures that the municipality’s lack of documentation was due to the Nazarene administration’s fue alcalde de Yauco for 16 years. “Quieren usar sus fracasos como alcalde a su favor”, dijo Anderson. “It’s the amount of time it takes to recover victims,” ​​he said.

Laplante, without embarrassment, dismisses the application for legal representation of Nazareth, in order to sue the parties to obtain a separate settlement to resolve this dispute.

The recommendation:
