Senior Teen Vogue staff who supported Alexi McCammond’s expulsion used ‘N-word’ in decades-old tweets

A senior staff member of Teen Vogue who posted a letter expressing concern about Alexi McCammond over previous tweets that were racist against Asian Americans, used the N-word himself in tweets from more than ten years ago.

Christine Davitt, senior social media manager at Teen Vogue in 2009, wrote two tweets to a friend who identified him as a “ni – a” and in 2010 the word “ni – a” in a joke tweet. The friend appears to be white.

Credit: Christine Davitt / Twitter

Credit: Christine Davitt / Twitter

Davitt say in the plural tweets that she is of mixed Irish and Filipino descent.

McCammond, 27, and an emerging reporter at Axios were planning to take the top job at Teen Vogue before her tweets sparked a firestorm among Teen Vogue staff. After the shooting in Atlanta that killed eight people on Tuesday, six of them divorced Asian Americans, McCammond and Teen Vogue.

Neither Davitt, McCammond nor Teen Vogue could be immediately reached for comment. Davitt’s tweets were not deleted at the time of writing, but after Fox News’ investigation report, her account was switched from public to private.

Davitt posted a letter on Instagram on March 8 from Teen Vogue staff in which they expressed concern to the management of Conde Nast about the appointment of McCammond, “in light of her racist and homophobic tweets in the past.” “So proud of my @teenvogue colleagues. The work goes on …” Davitt wrote in a caption.


McCammond has announced that she will not be joining Teen Vogue as editor-in-chief as originally planned, saying her tweets in the past “the work I have done to overshadow the people and issues I care about.”

”[Exhales the deepest sigh I’ve ever sighed], “Davitt posted on Twitter an hour after McCammond made the announcement.

Davitt’s tweets come about two years before McCammond’s problematic tweets. “Outdone by Asian. #Whatsnew,” McCammond tweeted in 2011. “Now google how not to wake up with swollen, Asian eyes,” she wrote in another one. In another tweet, she refers to a “stupid Asian TA”

Against Vogue, a story was published in October 2019 with the headline “Stop the N-word if you are not black.”

The article excited Latin actress Gina Rodriguez for singing the word “ni – a” in a social media post. It is argued that non-black people should never use the N-word and that people who have an “almost competitive dismissal of blackness”.

“There has been a lot of debate in the Black community about the N-word and how well our alleged ‘recycling’ of it can actually do. And in moments like these, it feels like a valid point. But one thing that should not be disputed “and if you’re not black, it’s not you,” the article claims.

Davitt on March 18 likes a tweet who argued “She [McCammond] was not just fired for her tweets – it’s so much more than that. “Condé seems to be ruling in Marxism, anal sex tips and labor coverage” by hiring the former political reporter, the Twitter thread reads.


McCammond is dating former White House press assistant TJ Ducklo. Ducklo and the government in Biden divorced last month after threatening a Politico reporter who was planning to publish a story about their relationship. McCammond was a White House reporter for a period of his relationship before moving on to Congress. The couple was spotted together on Saturday.
