Senator Warren’s Shameless Interference in Israeli Politics

This Senator Elizabeth Warren has called on Israeli opposition parties to unite and oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu so that the United States can facilitate the creation of a Palestinian state. Although the Democrats have repeatedly interfered in Israel’s elections over the decades – from Clintonistas to Obamaites to the now disgraced Lincoln project – I can not remember an American senator ever openly interfering in the democratic process of an ally in this way. do not have.

During a conference hosted by the pro-Palestinian group J Street, Warren lamented Israel’s unwillingness to go along with the ‘two-state solution’, which in effect entails conceding the demands of Hamas and the more “moderate” Palestinian Authority. word. , which converts hundreds of millions of dollars into international funds for monthly salaries, free education, insurance and medical care for terrorists and their families. Instead of demanding that Palestinians stop firing rockets at Israeli civilians or stop spreading anti-Semitic conspiracy theories among their population or reduce their ‘martyrdom fund’, Warren said the only way to change Israel’s trajectory is that the opposition against Netanyahu unites. .

Warren claims that Netanyahu ‘presented four deadlock elections in two years in his insane attempt to immunize himself against well-documented allegations of corruption’, which is a strange way to point out that the prime minister has chosen election after a coalition collapse . Imagine, if you can, Warren’s response as a foreign political leader openly offering the IDP advice on how to win back the presidency. Foreign interference, indeed.

Warren maintained that ‘the majority against [Netanyahu] must decide what to do next. Will they continue to fight among themselves and in the process propose a corrupt leader who puts his own interests above those of his country? ”

Netanyahu, who has been prime minister since 2009, may soon find himself in the desert. But in Israel, charges of political corruption are about as plentiful as falafel, and fighting among themselves is the national pastime. Israel has a legal system that adjudicates charges of corruption and an impractical parliamentary system under which governments are created. Israel’s ‘majority’ is not an incarnation of Warren’s aspirations, but a variety of parties, some with a lot of ideological malleability and others with a strictly narrow focus. In essence, Warren implies that the largest party in the country, the right-wing Likud, did not even have to run in national elections because she is upset because the prime minister does not want to hand over Jerusalem to Mahmoud Abbas.

Warren further said that the “United States cannot stand for security, human rights and dignity, and at the same time turn a blind eye to the suffering of Palestinians under Israeli occupation.” Indeed, the suffering of the Palestinian people is largely committed by their own corrupt leadership, which has brought down one agreement after another, and condemned one generation to the next to unnecessary poverty and hopelessness. Warren now has a more radical view of Israel than the Saudi or Egyptians.

And like most Democrats these days, when Warren talks about the Middle East, Warren has nothing but harsh words for the only liberal democracy in the region. As for the Palestinian allies, the Iranian mullahs – who promised to destroy Israel and who killed hundreds of American military men – want to send Warren cash to them while using foreign aid as a ploy against Israel.

“Jewish settlers in the West Bank are receiving vaccinations, while few Palestinians have access to life-saving shots,” the Massachusetts senator added, trying to create the impression that Israel was undermining such efforts. By ‘settlers’, of course, Warren means Jews living in villages in Samaria and Judea – the only place on earth where it is acceptable for an American politician to demand ethnic purity. This is the kind of purity that drives the Palestinian Authority to reject COVID aid for its people simply because the UAE plane with the vaccine load landed in Israel first. Palestinians have regularly blocked people with COVID illnesses from going to Israeli hospitals for treatment. According to their own acknowledgment, the Palestinian Authority did not even ask for Israel’s help – apart from the vaccinations for its health workers, which were provided. When Israel tried to open a vaccination site at the Al-Aqsa compound on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to vaccinate thousands of Palestinian worshipers, including the virus, Abbas refused the offer.

But not for himself. Like the New York Times reported, Palestinian leaders are accused of purifying and distributing some doses awarded to Palestinians among the senior members of the ruling party, allies in the media and even to relatives of the high-ranking officials. ‘Yet the most difficult words Warren could portray about this totalitarian regime are to suggest that it might also have elections. We do not know when Abbas, now in the second decade of a four-year term, will finally get his people to vote. The problem, however, is that holding a vote would lose Fatah due to radical theocratic forces. The last time Fatah lost an election, the opposition celebrated with mass destruction. That’s how Hamas breaks deadlocks. And so a Palestinian state can easily look like.

The harsh reality that Israelites have learned is that ‘peace processes’ with the Palestinians usually end in untenable demands, frustration and mass violence. It is highly unlikely that even the Israeli center-left will experience the national self-harm that Warren has in mind. The last time the Israeli left tried something like this, it was decimated in the election. Then Elizabeth Warren does not really have their, or Israel’s, best interests in mind.

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