Senator Marco Rubio says Trump’s attempt to convert to ‘martyr’

Miami, United States

The Florida Senator Marco Rubio alerted that a political juiciness against the President-elect, Donald Trump, is counterproductive and could be converted into a “martyr”, in addition to dividing one more at a moment in a complicated moment.

“Creo that will continue to divide a country and divide it at a moment’s notice”, the senator said in a statement on the Miami NBC channel 6 about the “impeachment” process Cámara Baja en Washington approves and states that the legislator opposes.

Leal to the president during the four years of his tenure, the senator cried out that Trump had “some responsibility” in his speech to the Capitol last week, at a time when the Congress is initiating Democracy certification Joe Biden as the next President of the United States.

LEA: Trump’s scandals during his term in the White House

Rubio cries that the process of political juicing supone “echar gasolina al fuego”.

“Many of the people who have been here for the first time, after seeing what happened last week, in fourteen ways in which the last four years, now, repentance, are given by the people in the chromatos and amenan to converts to mártir “, agregó.

In the same line expresses the martyrs in the hemicycle the congresswoman of Arizona Andy Biggs, another Republican who has echoed the accusations without proof hechas by Trump with respect to the elusive fraudulent elections.

“His move will be more powerful because he will have the martyr converted in March,” he told Democratic lawmakers.

Rubio recalled that although he was opposed to the political juices, he agreed on the past week and stated that “the president should have some responsibility”.

The Chamber of Representatives approves this Wednesday’s opening of a new political juice (“impeachment”) against the President-elect, Donald Trump, on this occasion with the accusation of “incitement to insurrection”, by the end of the week before the Capitol .

Trump also won the presidency of EE.UU. which is politically motivated on both occasions.
