Senator does not pass on to the Education Auxiliary Secretary that Pidió will remove the mascara

During the public visit of the day to attend about Special Education, Senator Maria de Lourdes Santiago made a verbal cross-talk with the Secretary of Education’s Special Education Department (DE), Eliezer Ramos, who during his sentence said he would leave.

The officer gave him a special permit to read the sentence in question, which states that “he was dealing with a mascara and complicates matters”.

Ante la Ramicud de Ramos, la legislladora independista le contestó: “tenemos que prepararnos, despuets de todo le vamos a pedir a los niinos y niñas que estoden to dai con la mascarilla, asi quizas podamos hacer un esfuerzo, sennar Secretario”.

The incident is currently being captured in a video that has taken up social speeches and has been criticized by many of the DE Auxiliary Secretaries, as well as many applauding the intervention of the PIP senator.

Watch the video:

During his tenure, Ramos points out that therapy services for students will be compensated during the academic session in January and August. In addition, families can coordinate the time of compensation with their respective therapists.

In the public system, little more than 103 000 students belong to the program of special education.

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