Senate dispatch obstacle to approve estimate

Washington (CNN) – The United States Senate approves a resolution calling for an end to the war, a key step in the process that establishes the capacity of Democrats to approve the broad package of aid provided by President Joe Biden’s co-ordinator on obstruction Republicans who oppose it.

The media approved 51-50 in a vote that showed the line of each party, but only then that Vice President Kamala Harris would present himself to the Capitol to empathize.

The approval follows hours of voting on subjects in a ritual agitator known as “vote-frame”, when the theoretical senators can offer such changes to the presumption resolution as deseen. These measures are enforced in large part in order for each party to become a member of the Controversy over controversial issues, and the Republic of Republican Public Prosecutors will be fired.

But the process also involved a bipartisan consensus. One of the most important issues provoked by a bipartisan group of senators, backed by Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, is to avoid the “high-contribution contributors” being eligible to receive US $ 1.4 covid ayuda checks. If the amendment was adopted by 99-1, it is unequivocal and does not mean that the requirements of eligibility will be changed in the coyde final aid project. But we express a consensus to realize the changes.

On a close topic, the Republican Senator Joni Ernst of Iowa offered an amendment to avoid a minimum wage increase of US $ 15 during a pandemic. The Democrats want to include a minimum wage of US $ 15 in the covid aid project, but its middle ground is complicated for centrist members, such as Manchin, who have a different position from the mayor of his group and support a more modest increase in the minimum wage.

But before the nomination is announced, Sen. Bernie Sanders, the Vermont Independent, who presides over the US $ 15 Commission of Presbytery and defends the minimum wage, will say that his proposal actually makes the US $ jump. 15 in five years, not immediately as Ernst habĂ­a formulated in his enmienda. With this, his entourage was rapidly adopted by unanimous consent.

A motion by Republican Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas in opposition to the expansion of the Supreme Court, a practice defended by some progressives to oppose the mayor’s conservator of the court, was defeated by a 50-50 vote.

What is there now for the estimate plan?

The proposed resolution is not the covid ayuda project. Simply prepare the scenario so that the Democrats can use a conciliation process such as “pre-conciliation conciliation” to approve the ayuda project in a vote possible in February or March fines, after which the ju-president is complete.

The Preliminary Resolution includes conciliation instructions for multiple committees of the Congressional Editors and formally approves legislation on such matters as funds for the production and distribution of vacancies, as well as sample checks.

The Chamber of Representatives approves the media presupposition and weekly principles. But it was debated that he would be sent to the Senate, he would have to go to the Chamber for a final vote, possibly the fourth.

Biden has said that he was able to follow adelante without the support of the Republicans, but he also agreed that he was able to make certain concessions if he supported the bipartisan support.

The Democrats of the Congress have also stated that it is clear that time is of the essence in the bill, and that there is a deep divergence between the US $ 1.9 trillion Biden bill and the US $ 618,000 million bill.

The counterclaim has included US $ 160,000 million to combat the pandemic, but Republican senators want to send more specific and specific aid checks and only extend the benefits of the sample last June, in September.

Casa Blanca’s press secretary, Jen Psaki, reiterated during an information session this week that he had “bottom lines” that Biden included in the next round of covid-19, as well as more direct pages. estadounidenses de lo que incluria la propuesta republican.

“It is our opinion that at this point in our country, when one of 7 families living in it does not have enough comedies, we will ensure that the persons obtain the level that is necessary and will not be left behind,” said Psaki. And the administration agrees that the risk “is not large, it is very small”.

Reconciliation has been used extensively by both parties to approve a controversial legislation on minority party objections, including the Equitable Health Act of President Barack Obama in 2010 and the Trump tax records in 2017.

As a matter of fact, Republicans are not content with the Democrats resorting to aggressive tactics, arguing that there will be a party tone for the rest of Biden’s presidency and that it is not operating as the political unifier that promises to be.

The 10 Senate Republicans who are meeting with the President to discuss their aid package are under pressure to continue the talks and send a card to the Casa Blanca Jews who were obtained by CNN.

“We will compromise to work in a bipartisan manner and hope that our views will be taken into account while advancing the legislative process,” said the group, led by Maine Sen. Susan Collins.

Lauren Fox, Phil Mattingly and Morgan Rimmer de CNN contribute important information.
