Senado rejects blocking undocumented economic aid by COVID-19

The Senate approved in the Madrugada del viernes a draft law for the fiscal year 2021 that will include the truck for the economic package package proposed by the president, Joe Biden. The Chamber of Deputies validated hours after the media, including thanks to the Democratic majority.

The Senate hearing lasted 15 hours and included a statement presented by Republican Senators Tom Cotton, Arkansas, and Todd Young, of Indiana to block the possibility of which undocumented immigrants can receive the checks of economic estimate provided in the aid package and valued at $ 1,400.

This restriction does not include families of mixed migration status, who will be driving the first round of checks last week.

[Biden urge a aprobar el plan de ayuda “rápido” con un cheque de $1,400]

“The Biden Administration does not have to compensate illegal immigrants for violating our check checks,” said Cotton in a statement. and estadounidenses families “.

In a first vote, the vote was approved by 58 votes (between them, also Democrats) in favor and 42 against, but fue eliminated from the final resolution.

During this final vote, the Democrats revirtieron Three votes cast by Republicans with the end of utilizing the coronavirus elimination plan to comply with a Canadian oleoduct to the United States, allow the hydraulic fracturing hydraulic for petroleum and gas, and prohibit the transfer of checks to undocumented immigrants, agreed with the Reuters news agency.

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders criticized the move as “exacerbating the xenophobia that exists in this country, and saying that many undocumented workers are doing some of the most essential and dangerous work”.

Immigrants without documents were required to carry out two rounds of checks on economic value. Without embargo, the second round is contemplated on the cities with Social Security numbers that are based on some immigrants without documents.

The Biden living plan, for example, maintains the benefit for families with mixed migration status, per not included in principle to the undocumented immigrants as possible beneficiaries of the third round of checks, agreed with the Vox informative web.

A motion to approve the proposal in the Chamber of Representatives, now the Congress must edit the draft of the final law and vote in favor of converting, as the Democratic Democrats will decide before the end of the month.

[El plan de Biden prevé enviar el cheque de ayuda de $1,400 sólo a quienes ganan menos de $50,000]

A group of 100 legislators, encased by the Caucus Hispano, urged the leaders of the Chamber of Deputies to include in the coronavirus living plan a truck to the city to go around five million undocumented immigrants which is designed as essential workers.

Geen hindernis, the web-informative Politico, this media will be included in a migration reform of long-range, Independent of the legislation related to the coronavirus.

An analysis of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) warns that immigrant people are doubling the risk of entering COVID-19 as natives of a country with limited access to health.

Due to its vulnerability, more than three documents from undocumented migrant workers in the United States have first-line work considered essentials, following a study published by the FWD.US pro-immigration reform group.

With information from TVH11, Reuters, Vox, Politico.
