Senado Nomination Committee does not recommend the design of Elba Aponte Santos

According to a virtual meeting, the Senate Nomination Committee does not recommend the design of Elba Aponte Santos as Secretary of the Department of Education.

Follow the information provided by the Commission Metro Puerto Rico obtuvo acceso, the senators who compose the body quedaron with various dudas lie of the interpellation visit that the Camera of Representatives made at Aponte Santos in February.

According to the document, the interrogators fluctuate between the plans to rehabilitate the students of the zone in Puerto Rico affected by the times of 2020 and later the pandemic, the plan of repatriation of schools close to school, possible conflicts of interest, the media that tomará Education to avoid corruption and robbery money, among other dudas.

As of the beginning of the visit during the visit carried out by the Commission on April 5, the evaluation explains that there are not many other services such as the Special Education, the plan of the construction of the modules for the zones affected by the temples, the contracts for both his incumbency, the possible privatizations of schools, the computer contributions of students and masters and on the presence of classes in the middle of the emergence of the pandemic of COVID-19.

“The President of the Nomination Committee is most dissatisfied with the nominees’ responses to a series of inquiries he has received from parents and students in recent weeks,” he said.

“Other senators are being preoccupied with the lack of access to information by the department to advertise its constituents in favor of the best interests of its students”, continues.

On the other hand, the document refers to an “ambiguous and vague plan” on the first 100 days that recounts general aspects about the best vacancies in schools as part of the repertoire plans.

Various senators and senators will show concern about this lack of information about particular areas and educational regions.

“Luego de un minucioso y abarcador annalisis de toda la información recopilada sober la nomada, somete a este Alto Cuerpo Legislativo su Informde en donde se recomenda no dar der consejo en consent de la designation des la Profesora Elba L. Aponte Santos, para el cargo de Secretaria de Educación, según fuera nomina por el Gobernador de Puerto Rico, Hon. Pedro Pierluisi Urrutia “, lee la conclusion de president de la Commisión y el Senado, José Luis Dalmau Santiago.

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