Senado confirms Miguel Cardona as EUEU Secretary for Education | News Univision Politica

El Senado voted the moon to confirm Miguel Cardona como Secretary of Education, looking at his truck to lead the president’s effort Joe Biden for recreate the scales of the pains in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic. Cardona, a public school ex-master who was converted to Connecticut’s director of education, was approved by 64 votes to 33.

Up to 45 years and origins humilde, Cardona presents a contrasting market with President Donald Trump’s Secretariat, Betsy DeVos, who attends private schools and is dedicated to promoting alternatives to public education.

Although it may have a limited authority to oblige the schools to recover, the Cardona will be asked to open a central panel in the log of the Biden’s meta of the mayor of primary schools opened five days a week between its first 100 days. Assign the guide to guide the students through the reproduction process and share the best practices about how to teach during a pandemic.

“In Miguel Cardona, the United States will train an experienced public school teacher and dedicated to the vanguardia in the Department of Education, ensuring that every student is equipped to prosper (…) We will help and address systemic crisis in our education system “, Biden said in a press release coming up with information about his nomination.

Ancestors boricuas

Cardona was the first integral part of his family to go to university, living on subsidized lives and being part of a Hispanic family. The now educational commission, which has been migrating to this state since August 2019, the first hispano to own this cargo in connecticut.

During its inauguration, Connecticut was first in a state of exile to its secondary schools, giving classes on Latin and African communities.

Cardona has expressed como during many years we were prejudiced against the stereotype of being a Spanish claiming a poor liquor. “For the nine Latvians conducting communes with the index of poverty, the statistics do not suggest that they should be the next director of the school or the state commissioner of education”, dijo en 2019 al diario CTempie.

“Nee se me olvidado la importanzia de ser el nieto un un Landbouwer de tabaco que vine aqui por una vida mejor, quien pese a tener un segundo grado fue capa de criar a su familia y crear un cycle de social ascendencia”, aggregate.

