Sen. Manchin is against Neera Tanden as Biden’s budget chief, which hinders the nomination

WASHINGTON – Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia said Friday he would oppose Neera Tanden running the office of administration and budget, undermining the prospects of a high-ranking presidential candidate, Joe Biden.

“I have thoroughly reviewed Neera Teeth’s public statements and tweets personally directed at my colleagues on both sides of the aisle, from Senator Sanders to Senator McConnell and others,” Manchin said in a statement.

“I believe her openly biased statements will have a toxic and detrimental impact on the important working relationship between members of Congress and the next director of the Office of Management and Budget,” he said. For this reason, I cannot support her nomination. ‘

If confirmed, Teeth would be the first non-white woman to run the federal budget office.

His statement is a major blow to her prospects in a division of the Senate between 50 Democrats and 50 Republicans.

Without the vote of Manchin, she will need GOP support to get the majority needed for confirmation, which is uncertain given her history on social media about harsh criticism of prominent conservatives. She said during her confirmation hearings that she regrets her previous tweets.

“As I have said before, we must take sensible steps to end the political divisions and dysfunctions that permeate our politics. In a time of severe crisis, it is more important than ever to chart a new dual course. “brings what helps address the many serious people. challenges facing our country,” Manchin said.

The Senate has confirmed several Biden nominees and has not yet rejected them.
