Sell ​​a luz el video en el pide ayuda desesperado

Luego de que la TVNotas magazine insure that it exists a video in which Rafael Amaya apparently appeared alterado dangling from the calls from Tijuana, in Baja California, with delirium delusions, now pays attention to the images of this moment, in which he could be an actor, assisted, arguing that it comes next.

Follow the social speeches that this clip commences in a circular manner and is being watched by someone, to appear, is the protagonist of El Señor de los Cielos calling 911 to ask him to help the queer quarantine and to make his statement to the Public Ministry.

WHAT HAPPENED? Rafael Amaya: Say that the captain is changed and corrected by the calls

In this grab, I am listening to Amaya to have a conversation with a telephone operator, while it describes one of the cars that, apparently, the Venice follows. Everything is captured in the presence of various people, between them, one element of the police and a subject that is being filmed and which is being repeated on occasion.

It is related to the video, the elements of security afirman haber visto rafa corriendo y gritando que lo querían matar, además de preguntarle quiénes lo estaban persiguiendo a lo que el artista responsa: “Un grupo, andaban en varios carros. I would like to make my statement to the Public Ministry, in favor! ”

¿YA LU VISTE? Rafael Amaya surprises everyone and reappears with the “Pesed Artillery”

Although interviewed Suelta La Sopa, su manager quien hizo frente a los rumores sobre los delirios de persecución del actor y una recaida en las adicciones, contó otra versión de lo que ocurrió aquella noche al norte de México, lo que contrast con estas imagenes.

