Sell ​​$ 6 million and video of the 10 segue free verse

Pablo Rordríguez-Fraile.

Pablo Rodríguez-Fraile

El inversor estadounidense Pablo Rodríguez-Fraile consists of a video and US $ 60,000 dollars for $ 6.6 million.

A giant rubio yace about the suspicious rodeado. No se le ve el rostro, pero parece ser Donald Trump.

La gente camina a su lado ignorándole.

There are words about his body: “perdedor”, “bebe disinfectante”, “pobre chico”.

A blue pajama (Is it Twitter?) Is posted on his hombro. The pajero opens the pico and appears the emoticon of the payaso.

The ave fuela fuera of the stage.

The video takes less than a few minutes to read the previous lines: 10 segundo’s. Cualquiera can leave free en este enlace.

Pero el invador estadounidense Pablo Rodríguez-Fraile lo compade hace unes meses por US $ 60.000 y lo acaba de vender por US 6.6 million.

In fact, what is being marketed is the video authentication certificate, a digital art piece by the Beeple artist artist.

One day you can talk to the investor, another piece of Beeple is sold by record number. Pero on this occasion was raised in the famous Christie’s subway house of US $ 69 million.

Welcome to the world of digital art, where art enthusiasts and the pagan pagans negotiate for the so-called NFT (do not draw fungibles), unique property identifiers for physical objects.

The skeptics signal that this market is inflated and that at some point it could explode.

In conversation with BBC Mundo, Rodríguez-Fraile talks about this deal, how it works and what the future holds.

Capture one of the snippets from the Beeple video clip that Pablo crossed.

Nifty Gateway / Captura

The clip of 10 seconds appears to represent Trump tumbled over the hill.

Digital Art Markets

The beekeeper’s name is Mike Winkelmann.

While appearing in various variants over the multimillionaire bidding in Christie’s, some investors and the owner have echoed the ojo.

Between them, Pablo Rodríguez-Fraile, a graduate of Economics at Columbia University in New York and an investor dedicated to blockchain, the technology that allowed it tree for the digital art.

“There are a variety of digital markets where artists can display their work and can buy them. The blockchain allows you to record that the work is actually the artist’s original“, cuenta Rodríguez-Fraile ‘n BBC Mundo.

The investor revealed that one of his markets was connected to Beeple.

“It seems to me that it was a series fair. The absolute leader in his sector, the best in what he wants”, double stone.

A special space with crystals that are sobresalen of the hull.

Beeple / Christie’s

For Pablo, Beeple is an absolute leader in the digital art sector.

Nifty Gateways is one of those markets where digital artists work with authentic certificates.

“Beeple published alli su catalog. Fue un subasta dondo tode mundo podium participar. Acabé llevándome ese clip de 10 segundos por US $ 66.000”.

This is October 2020.

During the following weeks the young businessman receives various offers for the job, but does not sell it to the first poster. Hope.

‘Ahora my priority is not to win money. So I went to the person who gave me more weight. Alguien con verdadero interes que podia traer más visibility a este mundo del arte digital arte “.

The sale of US $ 6.6 million.

Seriously does the person pay only as much as the certificate of authenticity?

Yes, and since 2020 each month.

The collage of the 5,000 pieces.

Beeple / Christie’s

The piece made in Christie’s consists of a collage of 5,000 works of Beeple.

What is a token and why do people buy it?

Token is the number that receives the asset value, in this case the certificate.

A fungible asset is something that can be exchanged, like the money. If you exchange a ticket for 10 pesos for five cents, you will receive the same value.

But this exchange is impossible with a non-fungal asset. Es decir, un token, que tiene unique properties that can not be canjearse for some more.

Rodríguez-Fraile illustrates with an analogy about the Mona Lisa:

“If the case is a photo in the original frame, with the best possible camera, and the use of the best painter to reproduce exactly, it is very likely that what is perfect, but will be Leonardo da Vinci’s.

La Gioconda original and el museo Louvre in Paris.

Getty Images

The token allows no dispute to be made regarding the authoritative authority of an art work.

The blockchain has allowed a digital work to be authenticated and this certificate is protected, an unprovable proof of the original artist’s process.

And this unique information is what is contained within the token.

“Many people only want to make money with this, but many other pagans are priceless, as in the traditional art, they have emotional connections with a piece”, explains the investor.

Media boom

No cabe duda de que la subasta van Christie’s, the first piece of digital art that has been released in this case, has mediated the world of NFT.

Subasta and Christie's.

Getty Images

While Christie’s’s subtracts on the headlines, various digital markets report on the creation of the NFT.

Without embarrassment, various digital markets are reporting varying months on the crime of this trend.

And it’s that tokens no fungibles only are limited to the art world.

In theory, anyone can tokenisar su trabajo y venderlo como un NFT.

Last February 19, a meme animated from 2011 about a cat was sold for more than a million dollars.

And the founder of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, promotes the sale of the NFT of his first tuit, with offers that raise US $ 2.5 million.

Prohibition of sin, this is a surge, no está excento de critique y preocupaciones.

To execute transactions with cryptocurrencies, surgen reticence about the medium impact of maintaining blockchain technology.

And other denunciations that NFT is building a building that can be installed at any time.

Will the NFT mode work?

Beeple work.

Christie’s / Beeple

Christie’s is a variety of Beeple works.

Días antes del record in Christie’s, the BBC interviewed Beeple.

“Sincerely believe that it has a burrow. We can be the same now”, reconciliation.

Otras calls boy including more skeptics.

David Gerard, author of several books on technology, acknowledges that it is true that “there are some artists who make money with these things” but probably quite common “do not take it”.

This includes ensuring that people dedicated to NFT negotiations are “staffers”.

“The same types who are always dedicated to the magic of creating some magic without the value that can be sold for money”, denounced.

Charles Allsopp, ex-assistant at Christie’s, was also involved in buying NFT.

“The idea of ​​buying something that is not here is simply strange”, says the BBC.

Pablo Rodríguez-Fraile.

Pablo Rodríguez-Fraile

Rodríguez-Fraile defines the sector and opines that there are not many differences with respect to traditional art.

Artists of the present … and of the future

Rodríguez-Fraile defines that in reality there is no difference between a physical asset and a digital one. This is a dynamic development. Gente affecting that the unique value of the piece.

“Maak my ‘n video van ses millones no es un loco stil. En el futuro se entenderá mejor. Creo que todo el artur futuro estará tokenisado”, dice el empresario.

“I believe that this technology includes what the artists of our generation is more relevant than the ones that led him to this world“, prognosis.

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  • sale of US $ 6 million
  • video of 10 seconds
  • free
  • venta
  • video
  • Internet
